Chapter 21: Real.

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Chris had woken up that morning in a panic, thinking the events of last night had all been a dream when Luna wasn't lying in the bed next to him. Quickly he had made his way down the stairs, searching for any trace of her. His worries were soon calmed when he heard music coming from the kitchen and the sweet sound of Luna's voice singing along.

He had leant against the doorway watching as she danced around on the tiled floor to the sound of a Taylor Swift song. Dodger sat patiently watching her as she moved around the kitchen making breakfast. A huge smiled had spread across Chris's face at the sight of her so comfortable in his house, dancing around in nothing but one of his shirts. He had realised that pretty much everything this woman did either made his heart all warm and fuzzy or gave him a raging boner, right now it was both.

That's what led to the position they were in right now. Luna bent over the kitchen island, her bare chest pressed against the cool marble, Chris's hand wrapped in her hair keeping her there as he relentlessly pounded in to her soaking cunt. The kitchen filled with the sound of their skin slapping together as well as the sound of his hand harshly spanking her in time with his thrusts.

Their first time last night had been a little softer and more like making love. Whereas every time since it's become clear the pair of them were in to a lot of the same stuff. Chris had learnt that Luna loved being dominated and praised, as well as degraded a little too, the reaction he got out of her just from his words alone made him incredibly smug.

"Fuck, you feel so good baby, taking me so well" Luna screamed out as he spoke, her cunt clenching around him tightly, causing a deep growl to emit from Chris's chest, "such a good girl, my perfect little cock slut" his hand came down landing another harsh smack on her right cheek, that was now red from the assault on her ass. "You love it don't you baby, love being filled by me."

"Fuck yes, please oh god I'm gonna.." She trailed off as her hands clung on to the counter in front of her, her legs began shaking violently as Chris reached down his right hand to play with her clit, her left keeping her hips in place as she began to loose her balance.

"Cum for me sweetheart, cum all over my cock," He began thrusting in to her faster, his cock gliding in and out of her weeping pussy. Her walls clenched tightly around him as her orgasm hit her, his name falling from her lips over and over. Her sweet moans tipped him over the edge, his orgasm following hers, "oh fuck baby yes" he grunted as her cunt clenched around him tightly, milking his orgasm as his cum painted her walls.

They stayed there for a few seconds as they came down from their highs, before Chris gently pulled out of her, leaving her feeling empty without him filling her up. He made sure to keep a tight grip on her hips, seeing she was still unsteady on her feet. He pulled her up from the counter so her back was against his chest and his arms wrapped around her waist. He reached for the drawer beside them, grabbing a clean rag and gently cleaning her up before tossing it in the washing machine all whilst keeping a tight grip on her. Nuzzling his head in to the crook of her neck he placed light kisses there as she started to giggle in his hold. That sound. He swore he'd never get used to that feeling he got when he heard that sound, he just felt at peace every time.

Luna moved in his arms so she was facing him, reaching up to cup his cheeks as she softly pressed her lips against his, "I still can't believe you're real sugar" he mumbled as they pulled away, leaning his forehead against hers.

"You better start believing it because I'm not going anywhere" she whispered before pulling him in for another kiss. They were so wrapped up in one another they hadn't even heard the front door opening.

"Hey, you weren't answering my calls so I thought I'd... OH MY GOD"

They both quickly pulled apart at the sound of Scott's voice, Chris quickly using his body to cover Luna. "Fucking hell Scott turn around" Chris yelled back as Scott in his shocked state realised he had been frozen on the spot. He spun around facing away from the pair as they both quickly scrambled around redressing themselves. Chris pulling up his sweats and Luna putting Chris's shirt back on which luckily was like a dress on her.

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