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The next morning, Hopper woke up early to join Joyce at the lab for one of Will's check ups

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The next morning, Hopper woke up early to join Joyce at the lab for one of Will's check ups. "Hey kid." He knocks on Jess's bedroom door. "You coming today? I kinda need you there, someone else does, she asked where you were last time. It's getting boring giving the excuse that you picking up or dropping off Dustin." Still no answer. "Okay well I'll see you after work. Make sure El eats something other than Eggos today okay?"

Hopper sighed turning round to see El standing behind him. "Jesus what have I told you about scaring me?!!"


"Jess is asleep the lazy bastard don't disturb her she had a late night. When she wakes up she'll make you some lunch." Hopper sighed as he walked out of the cabin.

El completely ignored Hopper and immediately went into Jess's room. And there as expected Jess was lying in her bed wide awake. In silence, El climbed into bed with her as Jess draped the duvet over her as they both eventually fell asleep again.

They woke up about midday as they both had they're lunch together. Jess took her out for a walk further than they were supposed to but the woods were hiding them and it wasn't like El was alone. They got back and started watched the film they didn't finish last night and a few more. Jess than began on dinner as Hopper should be back soon.

Hopper came back late as usual, El and Jess eating their dinner already not wanting to wait for him any longer.

When Hopper did finally come home, he found Jess and El cuddled up on the sofa watching Dirty Dancing. "Give me strength."

"It's a good movie!"

"It's a rom-com!"

"So?! Patrick Swayze is in it!"

"I thought you didn't like men."


"How do you know?!"

"I'm gay Hopper I'm not blind. I don't like wearing dresses but I know when I see a good one! Just because I am what I am doesn't mean I automatically lose the ability to see a good looking man!" Jess whispered loudly covering El's ears who was oblivious to it anyway being endorsed in the movie.

"I got some popcorn!" Hopper lifted up a plastic bag. "She say anything about me being late again?" Jess shook her head. "Alright I'll make the popcorn for you."

"El sweetie come watch h this." Jess paused the movie and took her over to the stove where Hopper was making the popcorn. El got slightly freaked out by the sound but when it was all ready she calmed down as Jess handed her a piece and Hopper and Jess watched her try it for the first time. "You like it hun?" El nodded with a massive smile.

"Come on then." Hopper nodded with the bowl of popcorn as he surprisingly sat down on his chair beside El and Jess on the sofa as she pressed play. After the movie finished Hopper put the movie he wanted on as Jess and El fell asleep half way through.

Suspicious Minds - BOOK 2 - Joyce ByersWhere stories live. Discover now