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"Jess for once you are making us late!" Hopper yelled.

"Sorry I'm busy trying not to throw up wearing this dress."

"I bet you look gorgeous."

"Okay you're practically asking to throw up now."

"Are you coming out or not?"

"I al-"

"Don't make that into a coming out joke." The door clicks open as Jess comes out in her short, dark blue dress, with thin strap and a backless back. "Jess you look amazing!"

"Bitchin'" El smiles nodding her head beside Hopper.

"Thanks sweetie. Now come on let's move out butts." Hopper gets in the drivers seat with Jess in the front passenger seat and El in the back.

Hopper dove them to the school as El and Jess got out, El holding Jess's hand nervously as they walked in. "Hello Jess."

"Hi Mr Clarke. Nice to see you."

"Nice to see you too."

"You remember El don't you? Mikes cousin. She came round mine, had a girls night did her make up and everything." Jess smiled secretly winking at El.

"Well you both look lovely."

"Thank you." El and Jess speak in sync. "Go on hun go find Mike." Jess let's go of El's hand and encourages her as she runs off.

Jess stands there smiling when she walks over to Mike both of them with wide smiles on their faces. Jess looks over as her smile fades when she sees Dustin sat on the bleachers alone looking like he was crying.

"Hey Nance." Jess smiled at Nancy at the drinks station as she walks over to Dustin. "Hey bud."

"Oh..." Dustin sniffles quickly wiping his eyes. "Hey Jess you look stunning."

"You look much better."

"You think?" Hs sniffles.

"Oh I know. Asked any girls to dance with yet. I bet they're lining up and you're really busy with them but do you think you can spare one song for me?" Jess smiles.


"I'm asking you to dance with me."


"Yeah come on." Jess holds her hand out but Dustin doesn't take it. "Come on I don't bite." She chuckles which brings a smile to Dustin's face as he takes Jess's hand as she leads him to the dance floor.

"Dustin when I asked you to dance I actually meant dance."

"I know."

"So step closer to me." Dustin took the tiniest step. "Little closer." Took a ring step again. "Right okay the way you're going we're going to be here all night." Jess grabbed Dustin's shoulder pulling him closer to him keeping her hands there.

"I- I've never danced with a- a girl before." Dustin stuttered.

"Well first of all its easy. And second of all you've levelled up here I'm not a girl I'm a woman no matter how much I act like a child." They both chuckle. "So to dance you just feel the music. Sway to it. Oh yeah and you put your hands on my waist."

"You what?"

Jess sighed as she placed Dustin's hands on her waist as they started swaying to the music. "You know if I didn't hate, you know men and I could settle down and have children, you'd be the ideal son for me."


"Yeah I mean what's not to love about you. You're funny, smart, adorable, and you're completely and utterly awesome."

"You think I'm awesome."

"Of course you are! Don't get me wrong I love Mike, Lucas, Will but you're definitely my favourite." Dustin's face lights up.

"What about El and Max."

"Well El and Max are immediately tied favourite with you. Us girls have to stick together."

"I love you." Dustin wraps his arms round Jess hugging her tightly.

"I love you too Bud."

Suspicious Minds - BOOK 2 - Joyce ByersWhere stories live. Discover now