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Jess woke up way before Dustin as she went back home and slept some more until she woke up mid afternoon and ran some errands

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Jess woke up way before Dustin as she went back home and slept some more until she woke up mid afternoon and ran some errands.

Claudia had asked her to pick up Dustin that day again which Jess was fine with. So after running errands she went back to the school and waited in her car. She waited for about 10 minutes and eventually got restless and went into the school noticing that it was completely empty.

"Dustin? Dust?" Just then Mike and Dustin and another girl Jess hadn't seen before rushed round the corner. "Hey there you are what's going on?"

"Have you seen Will?"

"What? No? What's happened? Mike what's happened?"

Just then Joyce came rushing up to them. "Hey sweetie have you seen Will apparently AV club wasn't on. Have you guys seen him?" Just then Lucas hurts through the doors that led outside.

"The field. Quick the field." Everyone rushed outside to see Will stood frozen in the middle of the field. Joyce tan up to him holding his shoulders trying to wake him up from, obviously, one of his episodes. Everyone was crowded round Joyce and Will on complete shock. Mike look terrified aswell so Jess dragged him closer to her.

After Joyce called out for him for a while Wills eyes widened suddenly as Joyce gasped in relief. "Are you okay baby?" Will nodded slowly and weakly.

"Come on let's get you two home." Jess wrapped her arms round both of them as they walked to her car. Jess quickly running back to the rest of the kids. "Is everyone okay?" They nodded.

"What was that?" The girl asked and before Jess could answer she interrupted her by introducing herself realising Jess didn't know who she was. "I'm Max by the way."

"Nice to meet you I'm Jess. I can't tell you much it's really complicated but he's not well but I'm driving him home to help him get better." Jess started to walk backwards, back to her car with Joyce and Will in the back. "Straight home all of you, you little shits. Be safe. Nice to meet you again Max, see you soon." They all waved bye to her as she sped off.

"She seems nice." Max shrugs.

"Yeah she's cool." Lucas shrugged.

"Cool?! She's fricking awesome!" Dustin smiled.

Jess was stood in the kitchen as Joyce and Will were at the table as she was trying to talk to him. Jess knowing it was best to leave them but she made them a drinks, a juice for Will and coffee for Joyce.

"Here you are." Jess smiled as she handed them both they're drinks Joyce smiling in response mouthing a thank you. "I'll just be in there." Jess pointed to one of the rooms closing the door behind her pulling a random book out and occupying herself with it.

Just then the door opened as Joyce shuffled in launching onto the bed. "You okay?"

"He says it got him, he feels it everywhere." It went silent for a minute before Jess heard Joyce sniffles as she pulled her up slightly by her arms before wrapping her arms round her waist squeezing her tightly. "I don't know what to do anymore Jess. I feel like I'm failing. I'm so clueless of what's going on with him."

"It's not your fault hun. You're the best mum ever. He is so lucky to have you. You're not failing either you're doing the best you ever could. You don't deserve this love."

"I just want all of this to be over."

"Me too hun."

"Do you mind staying I don't want to be alone now."

"Yeah okay. You want to watch a movie?" Joyce nodded as she lifted her head up from Jess's chest tiredly.

"Let me just put Will down first I think the best thing I can think of is a nap." Joyce got off her bed taking Will from the kitchen into his room as Jess set the movie up.

Joyce sat next to Jess cuddling herself up to Jess's side at the end of the movie falling straight asleep. Jess sat there for a few minutes enjoying her warmth before slowly standing up resting Joyce down on the sofa going back in her bedroom getting a blanket throwing it over Joyce placing a pillow gently underneath her head before leaving her note for when she wakes up before leaving.

Suspicious Minds - BOOK 2 - Joyce ByersWhere stories live. Discover now