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They all drove to the Byer's house, Jonathan sitting on the floor beside the couch talking to Will who was lying on the sofa still out cold. Jess on the other couch in the living room with Max lying on her chest, same goes for Dustin on the other side of Jess, both of the kids fast asleep.

Jess listening to Max's walkman, she let her borrow. Hopper on the phone to the police force trying to get back up at the lab knowing there were people like, Dr Owens still there alive and needing help. Mike sat with Nancy, Lucas and Steve at the kitchen table waiting in silence.

Max woke up a while later and went to sit with Lucas and Steve as Jess stood up slowly, placing Dustin down on the couch, laying down now still fast asleep as she went into the other room to check on Joyce.

She softly knocked on the door, letting herself in when there was no answer, slowly pushing the door opening to see Joyce sat on Will's bed wrapped in a blanket, red puffy eyes, tears silently falling from her eyes as she seemed to stare ahead in daydream. Jess pulled the chair out from Will's desk sitting down opposite Joyce, leaving the complete silence in the air as it was comfortable. She looked beside her seeing the mixtape Joyce had gifted her last year for Christmas along with the sweet letter, Jess had left it on the desk from when she came round to check on Joyce and Will, before she went down in the tunnels.

Jess took the mixtape and put into Will's boombox, turning the volume just loud enough for only the two of them to hear. The mixtape that Joyce mentioned had songs that reminded her of jess, Jess's favourite songs and some of Joyce's favourite songs. The mixtape that was the only thing Jess had been listening to for the past year, it was like she knew it like the back of her hand, which meant she knew the order and how long to skip to get to a particular song.

Joyce looked up slightly watching Jess skip the tape for a while till she lifted her finger off the button and clicked the play button as the song 'You To Me Are Everything' by The Real Thing started to play as small smile showing on Joyce's face, still as the tears fell.

Jess sat there for a few more seconds leaving the silence before looking down at the bed as Joyce slowly held her hand out to Jess. Jess intertwining her fingers softly sitting next to Joyce as Joyce placed her legs on the bed placing her head on Jess lap. Jess's hand that Joyce held resting on her lap aswell as Joyce lay on her side facing Jess's stomach playing with Jess's fingers, bringing her hand to her lips, placing a kiss to Jess's hand every now and then, Jess occupying herself with Joyce's wavy hair, twirling it gently between her fingers.

"This was one of the songs that reminded me of you."

"It was?"

"Yeah." Joyce nodded. "The title and everything just said how I feel, especially this bit coming up listen."

"Oh, you to me are everything. The sweetest song that I could sing." Jess smiled own at Joyce mouthing along to the words. "You mean the world to me Jess. Except for me boys you're the only thing I have left."

"What about Hopper?"

"Don't get me wrong he's my family, yes, but I mostly tolerate him." A small smile appeared on both of the women's faces. "I don't tolerate you. I want you round me all the time. You're my comfort place. You're my home."

"You're my home too Joyce. I love you so much, and like I promised I'll make sure all this pain is over for you, like this song says, I'd do anything for you, I'd sacrifice anything and even everything in my life for you just to see that beautiful smile on your face." Joyce sat up slowly facing Jess as she wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her jumper. "I'd sacrifice anything for the happiness of my stupid brother and you and your family, because you're all my family. I love you."

Joyce leaned forward wrapping her arms round Jess's shoulders bring her in close to her as she squeezed her tightly, resting her head on her shoulder. "I love you even more."

Author speaks:

Okay I intentionally led it up to make it seem like they were kissing

i apologise

i felt in an evil mood what can say?!

but what i can say something is very close

just have to be patient

but on a side not i love each one of you guys so much you've made me so loved seeing so much love on these books so far so lovely to see the same love for joyce byers that i have aswell she's so crazily underrated which is crazy cause most of season 1 wouldn't have happened without her and yet she's easily forgotten

don't forget to spam the comment section because i'm telling you now i love seeing you guys react and sort of like your feedback it helps me see what i can improve on my writing so it helps make the story better

i don't know whether loads of authors like loads of comments but i'm an author that loves comment and i mean hundreds of them i get so excited when i get a comment on my book

i also want to point out that if you didn't know my name is Rosie so please call me that we're all family here on this account and i feel weird when someone calls me author i'd also love to learn all your names and get to know you guys better if you're not comfortable that's fine but don't forget just message me whenever you want to talk to someone i'm always here

i hope you're enjoying the story so far

annnddd get ready for season 3 soon!!!!

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