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"So what is this?" Joyce shrugged as all three of them scanned over the drawings taped to the walls of the house

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"So what is this?" Joyce shrugged as all three of them scanned over the drawings taped to the walls of the house.

"Is it the storm?" Hopper questioned.

"No." Jess shook her head. "The storm Will drew was red and like one main source with like seven or more branches. This is branches branching from branches and so on. It's more... chaotic."

"Right okay so he said they were spreading and killing does that mean it's like-"

"Roots." Jess finished for Joyce.

"No." Hopper shook his head. "Close but no. Vines he's drawing vines. Joyce you stay her. Kid come with me." Hopper nodded to the door to Jess and Jess rushed following him.

They both got in his car as he start to race somewhere. "Mind telling me where we're going?"

"The reason I've been late home these past few days is because different people with farms having been reporting that they're competitors have been poisoning their crops."

"Why would someone do that?"

"That's what I thought but when I get the dead pumpkins out they had this slime. No I don't know cause I wasn't there last year but..."

"Was it like sort of green and black." Hopper nodded. "Really slimes like really, not like sap or-"


"Shit yeah it could've been but I- I don't know!"

"Well let's find out."


"We'll dig." Hopper drove them to one of the pumpkin patches and handed Jess a spade as they started to dig a big hole in a small clearing of the patch.

They continued digging for about an hour till the dirt gave in and these tentacle things showed among a bubbling noise. "Holy shit!" Hopper exclaimed. "Is this what you saw last year."

"Umm... yeah yeah yeah it was."

"Hey." Jess jumped slightly when Hopper placed his hand on her arm. "You don't have to go down there."

"I'm not letting you go down there on your own. I'm okay I promise." Hopper continued digging at the small hole.

"You think you fit down there." Jess nodded as Hopper held both her hands and she jumped down.

"Holy shit." Jess gasped as she turned her flashlight on.

"Hey kid you okay?"

"Yeah yeah I'm good you can come down now." Hopper then jumped down as he turned his flashlight on. "Right let's go this way." Jess started to walk forward as they came to a wide circle with three different tunnels branching out from it. "I'll go this way you go that way." Jess pointed as she tried to walk but Hopper grabbed hold her.

"Nah uh. We're not separating."

"Hopper if we want to find out what's hurting Will we have to look here and from what's round that house it's a lot of ground to cover there's only two of us. We need to split up. "I'm okay I took a gun from your trunk."

"Just be careful." Hopper kissed her head into her hair."

"I will don't get soppy on my old man." She smirked.

"DONT GET HURT! I LOVE YOU." Hopper yelled out as she walked off.


Jess explored round the tunnel she went down hearing something slimey moving she pointed her flashlight at the wall to see the tentacles moving. "Eww." Jess spoke under her breathe she stood in her place looking above her until she tried to move feeling like her right foot was stuck. "What the-"

The thing then tighten round her ankle the more she tried to set herself free the more it tightened and she lost her balance. She eventually fell on her front wiggling her foot still trying to set herself free. But then whatever was wrapped round her ankle started tugging as as she slid backwards. "JIM!"



"Jess I'm coming where are you?"


"Mum?" Will tapped Joyce on her shoulder

"What is it baby?"

"It's Jess!"


"What about Jess sweetie?"


"I think she's in danger!"

Jess tried to grab hold of one of the vines on the floor but it instantly broke at the force making her fly backward as more tentacles wrapped round, her other ankle then her wrists. "HELP PLEASE!!"

"Jess it's okay I'm coming!"

"I think she's going to die."

Suspicious Minds - BOOK 2 - Joyce ByersWhere stories live. Discover now