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The next day, Jess, Hopper and El were nearly running out of Eggos so Jess promised El she'd get her some more, a few movies and some snacks she hasn't tried before and promised El a movie night.

She pulled into Melvalds catching a glimpse of Joyce and Bob going in the back. Jess went in quickly looking for everything. It took her a while but she got everything, just as the sound of the door opening sounded from the back.

"Shit!" Jess whispered dumping all the stuff on the floor and rushing out.

"Can I help y- oh hey sweetie." Joyce greeted her as Jess screwed her eyes shut in frustration but turned around with a smile. "Hey Joyce. I was just getting some stuff for a movie night with.. Dustin but I thought you might have gone out do I was going to come back later." Jess rambled.

"Go get your stuff I'm here now." Joyce chuckled.

"Hi I'm Bob" Bob walked up to the side of Jess after she got her stuff and Joyce started scanning it. "I didn't quite catch your name."

"I didn't throw it." Bob started to laugh, Joyce laughing to but silently questioning the tone. "Im Jess."

"Jessica Hopper."

"Just Jess. But yeah my last is Hopper."

"You're Hoppers little sister you were in the year below us! You two used to hang out every lunch time." Bob pointed between Joyce and Jess.

"Yeah we did."

"How you been?"

"I've been better."

"Oh.... so you umm you still living in your little cabin."

"No too many memories we moved to a little, shitty trailer."

"Well at least you've got a roof over your head." Bob shrugged as Jess smiled slightly nodding as Joyce handed her the bag of stuff.

"Very true. Um it's was nice meeting you Bob." Jess handed Joyce the money. "Bye Joyce."

"Bye sweetie." Joyce and Bob watched her go out and drive off.

"She's lovely isn't she?" Bob smiled at Jess.

"Yeah. Yeah she is."

Jess drove back to the cabin putting everything in fridge watching TV for a while trying to get the interaction out of her mind. After a while she gave up and told El she was 'going to the shops to get last minute stuff.'

But Jess took a spoon and her pot of ice cream that she got for herself and sat in her car with the music turned up loudly, eating her ice cream in saddest way you've seen someone eat ice cream before as tears pricked her eyes.

Jess was startled by a knock on the window. Hopper opened the door and sat in the front passenger seat and sat there in silence as Jess turned the music off.

"If you going to take the piss out of me, you might aswell do it, I'm quite vulnerable now so it would offend me." Jess sniffled.

"I'm not going to take the piss out of you."

"Why do I have to be like this?"

"What gay?"

"Why can't I be normal. And not feel this pain of liking someone like me but knowing it's wrong but can't help it. And knowing it's wrong is just making that feeling stronger."

"Jess not being normal is who you are. I love you for who you are. Who cares if you're not normal that just makes you more amazing!"

"It makes me more of an outsider last year at that lab they wouldn't have hurt me if I wasn't who is was."

"Just makes them more wrong. Come here." Hopper wrapped his arms round his sister squeezing her tightly. "It will all work out in the end. I promise you."

"I don't trust your promises." Jess chuckled.

"Im making a Jess promise. They're never broken remember." 


"Okay now go cheer yourself up and watch crap movies with El."

Suspicious Minds - BOOK 2 - Joyce ByersWhere stories live. Discover now