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As they got to the lab they dragged Hopper and Jess in just behind Joyce and Will, with Bob and Mike. Again Jess and Hopper went a separate way to them. They kept Hopper outside of a room where they pushed Jess into no matter his protests. A woman came in as Jess was told to strip down to her underwear. The woman washing her down with a hose. "You're gonna need this soon." She dumped a bucket in front of her as she handed Jess some scrubs to put on.

As she said a few minutes later Jess started throwing up profusely. Hopper came in a while later checking up on her. "How you feeling kid?" He say on the bench she was leaning on.

"Never felt so shit in my life." Jess put her thumbs up sarcastically with her head still in the bucket.

"You wanna go see Will?" Jess looked up and nodded. "Fuck that let's get you some meds!"


"You're pale as a ghost Jess you don't look well at all."

"Would think so what I've just been through." Jess stood up and walked out of the room as Hopper tried to drag her away with his words but she ignored him. As she followed the clues of the way to Wills hospital room, basically the amount of security increasing. She eventually found it as Bob and Mike sat by his bed as Joyce was talking to all the doctors is the next room.

They all sat there in silence till Jess had to go to the toilet feeling like she was going to throw up. She knelt down basically hurling her guts out leaving the door open not having time to close it let alone lock it. The door that led to the bathroom could be heard opening and closing, Jess felt legs brush past her as someone sat on the floor beside her bunching her hair up holding it away from her face. A warm hand rubbing her back helping her feel comforted and help leg it all out.

Jess wiped her mouth with toilet roll flushing it down the toilet sighing as she too sat on the floor leaning on the toilet cubicle wall. "You're not pregnant are you?" Joyce softly chuckles.

"I should tell you something it could be anyones in Hawkins I've slept with every man except Hop, of course cause eww!" Jess joked making Joyce smile wider.

"Even Ted Wheeler?" Joyce smirked again.

"Oh god yeah." Jess nodded dramatically. "He's my secret crush you know. Crazy about the guy. I'm kinda of his stalker." Joyce started laughing as she leaned forward resting her head on Jess shoulder as her laughter died down, Jess smiling the whole way through, before she heard the big sigh come from Joyce.

"I'm too tired for this shit." Joyce sighed shakily.

"I hope this is all over for you soon. I really do. If not I'll make it happen."


"I'll find a way. Whatever way that makes you happy."

"You scared the shit out of me earlier."

"I know."

"If that's the way you're going to make everything stop then screw it I don't want anything to change. I don't want you to put yourself in danger for me."

"I love you Joyce.... You're my family I'm always going to put myself in those situations for you and your happiness because you mean the world to me."

"I love you too sweetie. Come on let's go back to the room. You can try get a nap in whilst Will is still asleep get some rest."

The two went back into the hospital room as Jess took the seat next to Joyce, trying to get some rest as her body felt weak with exhaustion, Jess didn't feel comfortable till Joyce rested her hand on top of Jess's rubbing the back of it with her thumb, Jess falling almost instantly asleep, at the feeling of comfort, on Joyce's shoulder.

Everyone sat there in silence till Dr Owens came in for a check up, Hopper waking up Jess knowing she'd want to be awake for it. "Do you know your name?"


"Do you know your full name?"

"William Byers."

"Do you know who I am?" Dr Owens pointed to himself as Will answered with just 'a doctor' before Owens pointed to Mike asking Will if he knew who he was.

"That's my friend... Mike."

"What bout this ugly one kid?" Hopper smirked as him pointed to Jess tiredly resting on his shoulder. "You saved her life you know, I have you to blame for that I still have to deal with her." He chuckled as Jess punched him in the arm.

"That's.... that's..."

"It's okay bud take your time." Jess smiled.

"That's Jess, she's my Mum's best friend."

"I'd say more than that." Hopper mumbled to himself only Jess hearing earning himself an elbow I the ribs.

Suspicious Minds - BOOK 2 - Joyce ByersWhere stories live. Discover now