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Hopper and Jess were making breakfast when Hopper turned round to serve their plates jumping at El behind him again

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Hopper and Jess were making breakfast when Hopper turned round to serve their plates jumping at El behind him again. "Oh Jesus!" He gasped holding his hand to his chest as Jess turned round and started to giggle.


"Yeah I see that."


"Sure is. But right now it's breakfast, okay? So let's eat."

"They wouldn't see me."

"Who wouldn't see you."

"The bad men."

"What are you talking about?"

"Trick or treat." El stuttered as Hopper and Jess shared a look.

"You want to go trick or treating?! You know the rules."

"Yes but-"

"Yeah so you know the answer." Hopper knelt down to her level.

"But Jess said-" Hopper turned his head and halted at his little sister.

"I didn't promise anything okay?! I said we will ask you. I'd be with her."

"They know you Jess."

"But I'll be in costume."


"Hopper please the girl needs to get out of the house and we wouldn't go where everyone else goes trick or treating we'd go somewhere more quiet."

"Hey I don't care. I don't care alright? You go out there, both of you, costume or not it's a risk."

"I get that but can we make a deal to change the rules slightly so she can have just that tiny bit more freedom."

"No the rules are perfect as they are they're keeping not just El safe but all of us. We don't take risks. All right? They're stupid. And?" Hopper turns to El.

"We are not stupid." El snapped at him.

"Exactly, now take that off, sit down and eat. Your food is getting cold." El groaned as she yanked the cloth of her dumping it on the ground sitting at the table crossing her arms. Hopper sighed at he looked over at her and Jess being quiet aswell.

"How about if I bring some Halloween movie over and Jess will get tons of sweets and chocolate and we'll have a little Halloween night of our own. A compromise."


"C-O-M-promise. Compromise. That's your word for the day. Jess you're better at explaining."

"It's an agreement people make so both people are happy. Halfway happy."

"5-1-5?" El nodded to Hopper as Jess looked over to him aswell.

"Yes I'll be home by 5:15."

"Righ I'll see you guys later." Jess stood up placing her plate in the sink ruffling El's curly hair on the way. "I've got to drop off Dustin at school." She placed a kiss to El's cheek. "Bye."

"Bye Jess."

The door swung open before Jess got a chance to ring the doorbell. "WHO YOU GONNA CALL!" Dustin cheered posing in his Halloween outfit.

"Look at youuu. Oh la la. Very cool." Jess smiles widely.

"And look proton blaster!" Dustin gasped happily as he pointed the proton blaster at Jess. Jess and Dustin posed for a few photos before she took him to school.

"See you later kid."

"Bye Jess. Love ya."

"Love you too."

Jess drove back to the cabin taking the way past Joyce's house. She slowed down when she came up to it as she glanced at the house as a stab of pain went through her heart. She looked back at the road to see Joyce running into the middle of it. Jess screamed as she slammed on the brakes.

"What the hell?! Joyce are you crazy I could've killed you." Jess got out of her car slamming the door.

"I know I know. But it was the only way to get your attention."

"Have you heard of a phone?! Oh my god my hearts racing."

"I'm sorry but I feel like you've been pushing me away." Joyce placed her hand on Jess's chest to help her calm down.

"I haven't! I haven't I've just- I've just been busy."

"I need you're help with something."

"Anything." Joyce led Jess into the house after Jess re-parked her car in the driveway. As Joyce showed her a drawing of Wills that's she found this morning.

Suspicious Minds - BOOK 2 - Joyce ByersWhere stories live. Discover now