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Dr Owens got a folded piece of paper out his back pocket opening it up to show a map of the lab. "Okay so we're here. And this is the nearest exit. But even if we somehow make it there, there's no way out."

"What do you mean?"

"The locks are fail secure."

"Fail secure?"

"If there's a power outage, the whole building goes on lockdown. Can't be unlocked remotely. With a computer but somebody has got to reboot the breakers."

"Great system." Jess mumbles to herself.

"Where are the breakers then?" Hopper asks.

"The basement. Three floors down." Owens explains as Hopper grabs his gun and goes to take the handle to the door before turning round glaring at Jess laughing at him.

"And what is so funny?"

"Do you know anything about technology, breakers in specific."

"Do you know?!" Hopper asked in return leaving Jess in silence. "Yeah thought so...." Hopper groaned. "Ugh okay so who does about these breachers."

"Breakers." jess corrects.

"Breakers. Who knows about breakers and stuff."

"Okay, I got this." Bob sighed as Joyce pulls him aside most likely trying to convince him out of it, but he was persistent. Hopper takes him out to try and find him a weapon, soon after he comes back in, Jess connecting Dr Owen's walkie to Bob's one that the took from a soldier.

Bob got down to the basement, did some and I quote from Jess 'some technology shit' as the lights flickered back on aswell as the cameras . "Son of a bitch the man did it." Hopper smiled. Dr Owens watched the cameras waiting for a sign for the doors to be unlocked as Bob unlocked it all a green light flickered above the cameras indicating all doors were open.

Hopper picked up Will up and Jess grabbed Mike's hand again ready to leave before Owens stopped them informing them a staircase wasn't open, Bob radioed in that he would helped as on the camera it showed the sprinklers going off causing the monster to run off giving them a free entry. Jess grabbed Joyce's hand aswell as Hopper took a walkie from Owens as he was staying to keep them a clear path. the four made a straight run for it as Hopper placed Will gently on the floor outside the door as Joyce stayed in the building waiting for Bob. Jess sat on the ground next to Mike and Will.

It all went quiet until jess heard a scream that sounded too much like Joyce for her liking as she stood up swiftly running into the building to see one of the demogorgons holding down Bob. Jess turned away instantly knowing what Joyce scream meant as Hopper fired bullets at the monster. With her head still turned she tried to take Joyce's hand pulling her away but she collapsed into her arms screaming her lungs out.

"Love we've got to go."

"No I can't leave him. I can't Jess."

"We have to do sweetheart. There's nothing we can do." Jess placed a hand to the back of her head as she guided Joyce no matter the restriction out of the building as Hopper shut the door behind them as the doors locked.

"What happened?" Mike screamed with tears in his eyes. As Joyce fell to the floor, crying didn't even begin to describe it. Jess held her as a car's horn could be heard approaching. As Jonathan's car puled up with Jonathan in the driver's seat and Nancy in the passenger seat. Jess lifted Joyce up and helped her into the back seat, Hopper placing Will next to her as Mike got in. Jess closing the door behind them as her and Hopper raced to his cop car, Jess trying to hold back the tears.

Jess got in the back trunk of the car as Hopper pulled to a stop picking up the rest of the kids as Steve, Max, Lucas and Dustin got into the car, Steve getting in the front with Hopper whilst the kids got in the back with Jess. Jess bursting into tears when she saw Dustin a mixture of happiness that he was alive and safe but also the release of sadness of what she saw. "Thank god you're okay." she sobbed pulling Dustin in closer.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm okay I'm safe. I'm here."

"Lucas you're alright too, come here." Jess beckons Lucas into the hug. "Oh god Max you're okay aswell. You're injured are you?"

"No. No I'm not."

"You sure."

"Yeah I'm fine." Max shrugs as Jess wraps her free arm round her shoulder bring her into her side, squeezing her tight placing a kiss into her fiery, red hair.

"Good cause I hardly know you and I don't want you to get hurt before I get to know how cool you are." Jess smiled slightly as she saw Max smiling against Jess's shirt.

"A- are you okay?" Max stutters.

"I've been better." Jess sniffled as she squeezes a;; three of them tighter. "I'm just glad all of you are safe."

Suspicious Minds - BOOK 2 - Joyce ByersWhere stories live. Discover now