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Everything and everyone in the house went silent before Hopper burst into the house grabbing his gun and his other one. "Kids get away from the window." Jess beckoned Max, Lucas and Dustin away from the windows as Hopper handed the gun Jonathan's way.

"Can you use this?"

"What?" Jonathan furrows his eyebrows.

"Can you use this?"

"I can!" Nancy spoke up as Hopper handed Nancy the gun as everyone gathered in a huddle as they heard the growling of the monster, Hopper and Nancy pointing the guns at the front door.

Lucas ready with his slingshot with Dustin behind him, jess standing protectively infront of Max as Max hugged her arm, Jess using her other hand to hold the hand gun she took from Hopper just before going down into the tunnels. Jonathan wrapping a protective arm round Joyce, Mike stood behind Hopper and Nancy at the front.

There was some kind of screeching going on outside before everyone rushed to the side screaming as a demo-dog flew through the window. "Holy shit." Jess sighed as Hopper walked further towards the demo-dog which was still.

"Is it dead?" Hopper pokes it with the end of the gun as it remains still.

"Yeah it's dead." Just then the door creaked as everyone turned towards the door Hopper and Nancy pointing the guns at the door as the chain lock released itself as the door slowly opened.

Jess squeezed Max's hand as Max hid more behind her but as soon as Jess saw who was coming through the door, she released her grip from Max's hand, placing her hand on her shoulder as she walked forward, silently reassuring her she was safe.

El walked through the door in all black with her nose bleeding and her hair slicked back with dark eye make up. Jess rushed forward to her knelling down to her height, wrapping her arms tightly round her.

"Oh sweetheart what on earth happened with you. Where have you been cause it hasn't been home! Oh it's all my fault I haven't been home in days I can't imagine what you've been through in so sorry darling." Jess rambled cupping El's cheeks as tears welled up in her eyes. El stayed silent as she raised her hand wiping away a fallen tear with her finger.

"I was safe." El whispers.

"Are you sure? No one hurt you or anything?" El shook her head. "Where did you go?"


"You went to see your Mum?" El nodded.

"Mama's not well is she?"

"No she's not sweetheart I'm sorry you had to see that."

"Mama." El placed her hand on Jess's chest, almost like she was pointing to her leaving Jess with a confused expression. "You are my Mama." Tears welled up in Jess's eyes again as she pulled El into another hug.

"Yeah I'm your Mama. I won't leave you again I promise, I'm just glad you're okay."

"What the hell is this kid?" Hopper sighs as he walks over to them. "Where have you been I've been trying to radio all day yesterday." Hopper sighed as he pulled El into his side for a hug.

"You've both been hiding her?" Mike speaks up.

"Mike listen please-"

"You've BOTH been hiding her all this time. I thought you were better Jess like Dustin always says 'Oh Jess is so amazing, Jess is brilliant.' You're not you're just a lying piece of-"

"HEY!" Hopper yells at him interrupting him. "That's enough of that!! Let's talk privately come on!" Hopper pulls Mike into Joyce's room Jess following as El greets everyone else.

"Listen to me the more people that know about her the more danger she is in that also means the more danger you and your family are in." Hopper explains.

"So I should be thanking you two?"

"We're not asking that Mike we know you're upset we're just trying to make you understand we did because of everyone's safety." Jess spoke in a calm tone but Mike continued with his anger as he started screaming at Hopper hitting him on the chest as Jess grabbed his arms gently pulling him away as he collapsed into her as he started to cry.

"I'm so sorry hun. We didn't mean to hurt you." Jess sat there with Mike leaning against her for a while till he calmed down as they joined everyone discussing how they would kill his thing. Realising how if you kill the brain everything it controls dies, now including Will.

Joyce reminding everyone how Will kept mentioning he likes it cold, so to save Will form not dying when they kill the Mind Flayer we have to make the environment of the host, Will, uninhabitable.

"Problem is we need a new place. Somewhere we he doesn't know where he is, somewhere far away."

"I know a place." Jess sighed as she looked at Hopper giving her an approving nod.

Suspicious Minds - BOOK 2 - Joyce ByersWhere stories live. Discover now