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Everyone went into the meeting room as there was a display of photos of the map Will's drawings from Joyce's house, Will scanning over it looking for where he saw whatever he saw.

"Sam, this is ludicrous." One of the doctors sighed.

"Do your thing kid." Hopper chuckled softly, whispering to Jess.

"Sam, this is ludicrous." Jess mocked the doctor in a high pitched voice.

The doctor paused staring at Jess in confusion. 'We don't have-"

"We don't have-" Jess interrupted him

"Do you mind?"

"Do you mind?"

"Wow real nature."

"Wow real mature."

"Hey lady-"

"Okay Jess you did good well done but now let's focus on Will." Owens intervened.

"Meh still think I could of annoyed him for a little longer." Jess smirked as Hopper gave her a small high-five behind their backs.

"That's it." Will pointed to something that looked like a hub.

"That's what? What... what's there, Will?"

"I don't know. I just know he doesn't want me to see there. I think it's important." Doctor Owens and the rest of the doctors went downstairs, Hopper and Jess joining them as the rest went back to the hospital room waiting round for whatever the doctors were doing.

"I'm sorry." Will whispers sadly out of nowhere.

"What is sweetie?" Joyce leans forward.

"He made me do it."

"Who made you do what?"

"I told you. They upset him. They shouldn't have done that. They shouldn't have upset them.

The machine that tracked movement round the soldiers down in the tunnels started beeping rapidly. "What on earth?" Jess muttered.

"We've got company." Dr Owens radios into the soldiers.

"I need to get through its a trap. Jessica Hopper and Jim Hopper are down there and if you don't get them out there gonna die. I'm telling you it's a trap." Mike screams at the soldiers manning the door as Bob tried to pull him away.

The soldiers voices overlapped in a panic as a fog covered them allowing them not to be able to see what was around them. Gunfires suddenly overlapping with screams of pain as Jess covered her ears screwing her eyes shut trying to blocking it out.

"I'm sorry." Will cried. "I didn't know Hop and Jess would go down there. I didn't mean to put them in danger."

"Jesus Christ Mike do you know if Jess would have her walkie."

"She usually has it on her all the time yeah, should do."

"Where's yours?" Mike hands Joyce her walkie as Joyce tried to get through to Jess's walkie, Jess answered but it came through as static with screeches of the monsters in the background eventually overpowering Jess's voice before that's the only thing Joyce could hear. The alarms suddenly started going off as Mike and Bob ran back into the hospital room.

Hopper grabs Jess's hand as all of them run out of the control room. "Stairs! Stairs!" Dr Owens pointed towards the door leading to the staircase as they sprinted up the staircase to the level where Will's hospital room was bursting through the door.

"We need to leave now!" Hopper panted out of breathe as Jess screamed seeing the monsters trying to break through the double doors.

Jess grabbed Mike's hand as they ran in the middle of Hopper in front of the leading trying to lead them out of the building with Will in his arms, Joyce and Bob behind them.

A monster flew itself in front of them blocking their way holding down a body of a soldier. Hopper lead them into a small room as Jess slid down the wall sitting on the floor holding her hands over her ears not liking the screams of people being captured by the monsters. She saw Mikes face of concern as she whispered, reassuring him she was fine even though everyone knew she wasn't.

Everyone looked at the cameras on display except from Jess who screwed her eyes shut. Hopper kneeling down asking if she was okay as she shook her head.

"Have you got your Walkman to try and block all this out?"

"It broke when I dropped it in those tunnels."

"Hop I just want to home."

"I know. I know you do so do I. This will all be over soon I promise. Remember what Mum sang to you yeah?" Jess nodded. "Try and remember, think of her voice singing it to you in your head. And umm... what else... oh yeah remember your breathing. Breathe through your nose for 4, hold for 7 and then breathe out through your mouth for 8." Jess starts following Hoppers instructions, following the breathing exercises as her breathing calms down as the lights suddenly shut off.

Suspicious Minds - BOOK 2 - Joyce ByersWhere stories live. Discover now