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"Dustin let's gooooooo!!!!" Jess yelled from the front door of the Henderson house.

"Thanks for doing this again Jess sweetie, I just don't like the idea of him going on his own in the dark"

"It's fine Claudia. I enjoy it aswell he's a great kid. DUSTINN!!!" Jess yelled.

"I'M COMING!" Dustin shrieked back.

"What time do you want him back?"

"Oh he call you when he's ready but no later than 9."

"Sure thing." Just then Dustin came running out flipping the sofa cushions upside down.

"Dustin!" Claudia protested.

"I'm looking for quarters."

"I've got some kid just get a move on come on!"

"Thanks Jess." Dustin picked up his bag and ran out the door.

"Move your little butt let's gooo!" Jess rushed him out as he got in his car. "See you later Claudia." Jess ran out and got back in the car. Jess drove Dustin to the Arcade to meet the others.

Jess parked up and Dustin ran up to greet Lucas and Mike still waiting for Will. "JESS!" Lucas cheered.

"You alright bud?" He nodded. "Here guys, little treat." Jess dug through her bag to get out her purse handing out quarters to the three of them all of them saying thank you.

"Okay. So I'll pick you up in two hours. That's 9.00 on the dot, okay?" Joyce nodded to Will. "If anything happens, if you need to come home, just ask them to use their phone and call home. Okay? Don't-"

"Don't walk or bike home. I know!" Will interrupted her.

"Okay but sweetie-"

"Mom, I have to go!"

"Have fun." She smiled kissing him on the cheek as he rushed out the car. She sat there to see if he went in okay. Smiling as he rushes up to Jess as Jess wrapped her arms round him bring him into a tight hug swinging him round slightly.

"Right I'll see you at 9 okay sweetie?" Jess nudged as Dustin smiled nodding. "What no kiss goodbye?" She joked.

"Jess no!" Dustin glared at her as she knew what she was about to do as Jess wrapped her arms round him holding him close to her poking his sides, tickling him. "Jess no let go! No! Jess!" Dustin giggled before she let go.

"See you soon bud. Bye guys." Jess waved bye to all of them as they went into the arcade not knowing that Joyce was still watching and smiling from afar as she got into her car and drove off.

Joyce shook her head to get her out of her daydreams as she too started her car and drove off back home.

At 9 o'clock Joyce pulled into the arcade only leaving a few spaces between her car and Jess's car. She giggled whilst watching Jess sing along to the radio. She debated whether to go and knock on her window and ask to sit with her till the boys come out. Joyce started to think back to the last couple of months and felt despair when she realised how her and Jess had spent less and less time together. 

Joyce got out of the car when she noticed Dustin and Lucas coming out meaning it wouldn't be a second longer till Will did. Dustin got straight into Jess's car, waving goodbye to everyone starting to complain to Jess about something.

Joyce watched Jess drive off catching a glimpse of her laughing at something Dustin probably said making Joyce's stomach flutter slightly.



"You ready to go?" Wills eyebrows furrowed slightly at his Mum's expression.

"Yeah! Come on let's get you home."

Suspicious Minds - BOOK 2 - Joyce ByersWhere stories live. Discover now