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"Right okay Jess knows where it is... it's a long story by the way but we're on channel ten. Let me know when that thing is out of him and we close that gate."

Jess drove them to their cabin parking at her usual spot, walking for about five minutes up to the cabin, Jonathan carrying Will and Joyce holding Nancy's hand as they walked up the slight hill following Jess.

"Jess hun where are we going?"

"... It's a long story." Jess sighed out of breathe as she unlocked the door.

"So this is where you've been hiding." Joyce smiled.

"It's actually kind of nice." Nancy sounded surprised.

"Woman's touch that's why." Jess smirked. "God knows what it would look like if it was just Hopper and El living here. Anyway do you think it's good enough to do here."

"It's perfect."

Jess went into her room and pulled her, rickety fold-out, single bed that Hop promised her was only temporary, into the living room as Jonathan placed Will on her bed.

"Is that... marvel bed sheets?" Nancy stutters.

"They're... well they're... yeah I'm five years old." Jess sighed in slight embarrassment.

They tied Will to the bed as they set up the heaters round him. "Mum are you sure you want to do this?"

"This thing has hurt Will long enough. Let's kill the son of a bitch!!"

"HELL YEAH!" Jess raised her arms excitedly. "Sorry."

Joyce turned on all the electric heaters as Jess started the fire they all stood around waiting for Will to wake up which didn't take long when he started screaming in pain.

Jess stood in between Jonathan and Joyce, as Jonathan grabbed both Jess and Nancys hand seeing his brother in pain obviously upsetting him. As Joyce watched it all unfold getting flashbacks to what happened to Bob and Jess in the tunnels as her jaw clenched as she turned up the heat.

Jonathan tried to stop her but she ignored him as Jonathan let go of Jess's hand as turned away from Will resting his head in Nancy's shoulder.

Jess's sweat soaked through her t-shirt as she started to feel faint from the heat, she took her t-shirt off not noticing Joyce's lingered stare as she took a swig of water.

Will's screams became more intense as Joyce turned away trying to keep her tears in as Jess wrapped an arm round her resting her chin on Joyce's shoulder.

"Mum it's not working!" Jonathan shook his head. "Are you listening to me Mum? It's not working!!"

"Just wait!"

"How much longer? Mum look at him? DON'T LOOK AWAY LOOK AT HIM! LOOK AT HIM! YOU'RE KILLING HIM!" Jonathan walks forward to untie Will but Joyce let's go of Jess as she stops him.

"Joyce look at his neck." Jess points out as Joyce and Jonathan look at the black veins showing travelling up his neck as one of his bands broke free from the rope. Joyce rushed forward trying to tie him back up but for some reason Will was much stronger than before as he grabbed Joyce's neck, choking her.

"No!" Jess rushed forward and tried to pull Will away from Joyce along with Jonathan. "Buddy please let go it's Jess!" Jess's voice shook.

Jonathan grabbed Will's arm and wrist trying to pull him away as Jess wrapped her arms round Joyce's waist trying to pull her away from Will. Nancy managed to grab a prod heating it on the fire before poking Will in the side of his stomach making him let go of Joyce as she fell back into Jess's arms.

"It's okay. You're okay." Jess panted out of breath as Joyce grabbed her arm in reassurance that she was okay. Jess placed Joyce down gently but quickly on the floor as she knelt down on the bed holding down Will.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY BOY!" Just then these sort of particles came flying out Will's mouth staying in the air before flying out the window. Nancy and Jess rushing out to see where it was heading as Joyce and Jonathan turned everything off and tried to wake up Will.

"Good going with that hot prod thing." Jess smiled at Nancy as she held her hand out as Nancy gave her a high five.

"You did good too Jess. Dustin was right about you, you are awesome." They both chuckled as Jess took the walkie out her back pocket. "Hop?"


"Close the son of a bitch." Jess sighed in relief as she put the walkie back in her pocket before going inside to see Will awake.

"Hey bud, how you feeling."

"Good yeah I'm fine." Will weakly smiled they all sat there in comfortable silence but also waiting for a sign that El was closing the gate. The lights started to brighten to a brightness that was almost blinding until they went completely out.

Suspicious Minds - BOOK 2 - Joyce ByersWhere stories live. Discover now