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Jess danced a few more times with Dustin, fuelling herself with the punch Nancy was serving till she needed the toilet.


"Jesus, Mary, Joseph and all his carpenter friends!" Jess screamed placing a hand to her chest as she caught her breathe whereas Joyce was laughing her head off. "You're not funny."

"Oh I am."


"You look... unbelievable by the way."

"Thank you." Jess chuckled nervously smoothing her dress out. "I feel stupid though I hate wearing dresses."

"You should wear them more often. Not saying you're not beautiful in what you already wear. I mean you could wear a bin bag and look gorgeous but it's weird to me that you think you don't look nice when you wear dresses." Joyce rambled.

"Thanks Joyce." There was a small silence before another song started playing, sounding from the hall, 'Every Breath You Take.'

"You know, I know you'll kill him but I was just out there with Hop, told me how excited you were for all this." Both of them walked out the toilets and stopped in the middle of the hallway just a door away from everyone else dancing in the hall.

"It's embarrassing, I don't know why I was so excited."

"He told me you never had a school dance, after you're Dad, you were both put in foster care and everyone in your year bullied you because you were different, stupid kids, so you never went to your school dance."

"Yeah I'm going to kill my brother." Jess chuckles slightly clenching her jaw, fiddling with her hands nervously. "Why do I feel like you've not finished there."

"Well I thought I should come in here and make this one worth the while."

"What do you mean?"

Joyce held out her hand. "Care for a dance?" Joyce gave Jess a smile that made her heart race and melt at the same time. "C'mon you've done so much for me over these years I can start paying you back starting with this dance. Just us two in here, private dance."

Jess took Joyce's hand as Joyce pulled her in close, Jess resting the side of her face on Joyce's shoulder. Joyce placing her other hand on Jess's lower back, Jess placing her other hand on Joyce's shoulder.

"You didn't have to come in here and dance with me you know?"

"It's not that I felt like I needed to, I wanted to. To be honest ever since that party me and Hop threw you when you finished school I've been wanting to dance with you, and I mean this kind of dancing. Just you and me."

"Me too."

"You mean so much to me."

"I love you Joyce."

"I love you more."

Little did they know, Dustin, El and Max were watching them through the window, silently 'aww'ing and melting over the interaction. "They're so cute." Max sighed with a massive smile on her face.

"She better not hurt Jess." Dustin mumbled.

"Calm down James Bond jeez." Max chuckled to herself. "They're perfect for each other. And that's coming from someone who hardly knows both of them."

"Yeah you're right." Dustin smiled. "Just wish they'd get together already."

Suspicious Minds - BOOK 2 - Joyce ByersWhere stories live. Discover now