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Joyce stood behind Jess as she held the drawing up matching it to the view in front of them which was Joyce's drive. "See? It's an exact match."

"So he denied it?" Jess and Joyce walked back in the house sitting down on the sofa. Jess sat crossed legged facing toward Joyce.

"Well yeah he said it was for a story he's writing. But why would he lie to me."

"He's nearly a teenager Joyce he's getting to that age. And he's a sweet kid he doesn't want you to worry."

"But I worry either way. You should've heard him describe these episodes to the doctor. It's not like they're just nightmares it's like they're real."

"Because they're flashbacks hun. They're gonna sound real. I know what he's going through."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you remember last year when we were finding Will in that place?" Joyce nodded. "Did you notice at all I seemed kinda out of it."

"Well yeah but I assumed you were scared I mean I was too."

"I got flashbacks, first time in for months." Joyce continued looking at Jess in confusion. "I don't want to talk about it."

"You don't have to sweetie but I'll be ready when you want to." Joyce smiled reassuringly tucking a strand of hair behind Jess's ear as Jess let her walls down shuffling further to Joyce leaning her head on her chest taking in her warmth and comforting smell of cigarettes and vanilla.

"All I want to say is what happened to me. The first few months were terrible full of sleepless nights. Hopper sitting with me till I fell asleep but then they got less regular and like I said that flashback was the first in months if not in a year or so. After that night I had about a week of continuous sleepless nights and nightmares. And now I'm better. He'll be fine Joyce I promise you." Jess placed a soft kiss to Joyce shoulder.

"I miss you." Joyce mumbled into Jess's hair as she tightened her grasp round her bringing her in closer.

"I miss you too."

"You wanna join us for a Halloween movie night?"

"I can't I'm taking Dustin trick or treating."

"I thought they were all going together."

"They are but Dustin invited me aswell as it's kind of reassured Claudia she's still quite on the edge."


"Oh on that thought. Do you have any candy I can take with me. Afterwards me and Hop are having a movie night and god only knows he'll forget."

"Yeah sure." Jess followed Joyce into the kitchen as she dug through the cupboards pulling out a packet of sweets handing them to Jess.

"You're an Angel thank you. I'll see you later yeah?"

"See you later." Joyce smiled as Jess got into her car and drove off.

Jess turned the music up loud again screaming her lungs out, but not changing to lyrics just screaming. It was sort of therapeutic to her, to scream in the car when the world got too loud.

Screaming how she could still feel the kiss Joyce planted on her head, that felt wrong but right at the same time. Screaming at how she could still smell her scent on her clothes, the stupid, heavenly smell of her cigarettes lingering on her shirt. Screaming how she could still feel her arms round her. Jess stop the car at the red lights stopping screaming as the tears let loose. Jess cried all the way home back to the cabin before stopping as quickly as she could, wiping her eyes trying to look like she hadn't been crying before going in.

"Hey kid." Jess greeted El in a cheerful voice pushing her feelings down. "I've got the goods!"

Suspicious Minds - BOOK 2 - Joyce ByersWhere stories live. Discover now