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"Do you remember anything from last night bud? Your Mum said you saw Jess here get held down by stuff, do you remember that?" Owens nodded towards Jess and at the mention of last night Hopper went to grab his sister's hand squeezing it tightly

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"Do you remember anything from last night bud? Your Mum said you saw Jess here get held down by stuff, do you remember that?" Owens nodded towards Jess and at the mention of last night Hopper went to grab his sister's hand squeezing it tightly.

"I remember they hurt me." Will stutters.

"You mean the doctors?"

"No the soldiers. They shouldn't have done that. It upset him."

"And when you say 'Upset him.' Is that him?" Owens slid his drawing infront of him as he nodded. "Okay. Okay I want to try something. It's going to seem a little odd at first, but I think it's really going to help us understand what's going on. Is that okay?" Will nods again as he nods at the doctor by the door as another doctor brings in a small trolley with a glass box on top with something inside them that all the adults recognised from the tunnels. As Jess turned away resting her head on Hopper's shoulder as he held her close, as the doctor pulled out a blow torch and had it above the vines in the box.

"Do you feel that?" Owens asked Will as he shook his head, Owens nodded at the doctor with the blow torch as he lowered it down.

"Do you feel anything?"

"Little sting."

"Little sting, where?"

"On my chest." Will groans as he rubs his chest as the doctor lowers the blow torch again.

"How about now?"

"It burns."



"Okay. Okay I think that's enough." Joyce tried to intervene but Will screamed in pain when the blow torch was lowered even more.

"Hey asshole she said enough." Jess lifted her head from Hopper's shoulder yelling at the doctor with the blow torch. "Hey asshole!! Asshole!" She rushed forward and pushed him slightly to the side so the blow torch was away from the vines. "You're lucky I won't use that blow torch somewhere else."

Dr Owens asked to see Joyce outside for a private chat as she asked Bob to keep an eye on Will. Jess doing the same to Hopper as she followed Joyce out.

"Our best guess now is some kind of virus which is neurological disorder. Now, when... when a typical virus attaches itself to it's host... it duplicates, right?" Joyce sighs as she rubs her head, Jess placing a hand on her shoulder. "It spreads, essentially hijacking the host. A virus is alive. It has intelligence. That's not... that's not unusual. What is so unusual here, this virus... the infected hosts seem to be communicating."

"Jesus, Mary and Joseph." Jess sighs leaning her elbow on the wall a she rests her head in her hand.

"It has some sort of a hive intelligence, and it's connecting all the hosts. The good news is a virus can be cured. We... we're gonna continue to run tests. We're gonna see what we find."

"What happens when he can't remember anything?" Joyce's voice shakes. "When there's nothing else there? What happens when my boy is gone?" Joyce cries as jess moves her hand to wrap round Joyce's waist pulling her in.

"It's okay. It's okay." Jess threaded her fingers through Joyce's hair.

Dr Owens went into the the meeting room where Joyce has their talks with the rest of the doctors as Jess leads Joyce back into the hospital room as she sits next to Bob, Jess sitting next to Mike who eventually fell fast asleep on her shoulder.

After a while Joyce gets impatient as she storms off to try and get through to talk to the doctors as Bob follows her trying to get her back into the hospital room. Jess turns her head when the monitor starts beeping rapidly. "Will? Will sweetie? What's wrong? Are you hurting again?" Jess sits up waking Mike up.

"I saw something."

"What in your now memories?" Mike asks.

"The shadow monster. I think I know how to stop him."

"Mike sweetie go get Joyce, get Bob to get Dr Owens. Right Will describe to me what you saw, exactly."

Suspicious Minds - BOOK 2 - Joyce ByersWhere stories live. Discover now