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Jess left Joyce to have some time for herself, especially when she heard commotion from outside, of course Hopper yelling at the kids

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Jess left Joyce to have some time for herself, especially when she heard commotion from outside, of course Hopper yelling at the kids. "What's going on here?" Jess poked her head round the corner as the kids filled her in of what they realised about the Demo-dogs, the hive mind and everything, linking it to something called the Mind Flayer. 

"What's the Mind Flayer then?" Hopper sighed.

"It's a monster from an unknown dimension. It's so ancient that it doesn't even know it's true home." Dustin looked round at everyone's confused expressions except for Jess. "Okay, it enslaves races from other dimensions by taking over their brain using it's highly-developed psionic powers."

"Oh my god none of this is real it's a game for kids." Hopper sighed.

"Um it's a manual." Dustin chuckled nervously. 

"And it's not just for kids." Jess shrugs to her brother. "Remember when we played it that time bud?" Jess smiled to Dustin who gave a wider smile in return. 

"Okay then a manual for losers." Hopper sighed as Jess glared at him. 

"Okay so this mind flayer thing. What does it want?" Nancy asks.

"To conquer us basically."

"Brilliant." Jess smiles sarcastically.

"It believes it's the master race." Dustin continued.

"Like the Germans?" Hopper stutters as Jess sniggers at him.

"Um yeah... yeah okay if the Nazis... were from another dimension then yeah yeah. Uh it views other races, like us, as inferior to itself."

"We are talking about the destruction of our world as we know it." Lucas adds with urgency. 

"Ok..." Nancy pauses. "So is this thing is like is like a brain that controls everything, then if we kill it..."

"We kill everything it controls." Dustin finishes. "We win."

"Theoretically." Mike shrugs.

"Great so how do we kill this thing? Bullets don't do a thing to those demo-dogs, as you say, so how do we kill something bigger and more powerful?" Jess sighs. 

"I thought we were waiting for military backup?" Dustin points to Hopper.

"We are!"

"How long do we have to wait Jim?" Jess yells at him. "We don't know if or when they are going to come help us. We need to do this ourselves."

"She's right." A voice comes from behind them as everyone turns round to see Joyce. "We have to kill it. I want to kill it." Hopper walks up to her and pulls her aside. 

"Joyce but also like Jess said we don't know how to kill this thing."

"He's right." Mike speaks up. "We don't know have to kill it. But he does." He points to Will asleep on the couch still. "If anyone knows how to kill this thing it's him. He's connected to it. He's knows it's weakness."

"I thought we couldn't trust him. That's he's basically a spy."

"Yeah, but he can't spy if he doesn't know where he is." Hopper and Jonathan go to the shed to see if it could be used coming back saying it's perfect as everyone helps take everything out and cover the windows and set chairs up and lights. 

Jess was forced to stay in the house with the kids except from Jonathan and Mike who were in the shed with Joyce and Hopper practically questioning Will. Everyone in the house were sat round waiting in silence until the lights started going crazy everyone watching out the window worryingly until the lights stopped flickering which everyone had to take as a sign that everything was okay. '

Hopper came in after a few minutes saying that Will was still in there and that he was trying to communicate to them by tapping on his chair, using morse code. Hopper took a walkie and gave the other one to Jess as he transferred the morse code message to the kids as they translated it to 'Here.'

They continued to talk to Will in the shed encouraging him to send more morse code as they translated it again to "Close Gate." Jess read aloud.

Then the phone suddenly started ringing as Dustin ran to it picking it up and handing it up as quickly as possible. "Do you think he heard that?"

"It's just a phone, it could be anywhere.... right?" 

Suspicious Minds - BOOK 2 - Joyce ByersWhere stories live. Discover now