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El and Jess watched countless of horror movies whilst waiting for a hopper to arrive

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El and Jess watched countless of horror movies whilst waiting for a hopper to arrive. They eventually got bored as Jess fell asleep on the sofa as El took it as her chance to move the TV into her room.

Hopper eventually got home as he knocked on the door continuously. "Hey kid open the door. I'm talking to you Jess I know you're in there probably crying into a pot of ice cream open the door. El can you open the door? El? Jess?" The door unlocked itself thanks to El as Hopper sighed when he saw Jess sprawled out along the sofa.

He noticed the TV had gone as he went straight to El's room the TV sounding from there. "Hey kid open up would you? I got, uh, stuck somewhere, and I lost track of time. And I'm sorry.... El would you please open the door?" Hopper sighs, but not out of defeat. "Okay then, guess I'm just gonna have to eat this candy I bought by myself. I'm gonna get fat. It's really unhealthy to leAve me out here." Hopper went to fill a glass of water up. "Gonna have a heart attack or something." He poured the water on Jess as she jolted awake.

"God you're sick an idiot!!"

"Happy Halloween." Hopper mumbled as he sat down in his armchair as Jess rushed to her room when she heard her walkie going off.

"Jess? Jess are in you in? Jess are you there? Son a bitch JESSICA EILEEN HOPPER!!" Dustin voice shrieked from the walkie.

"You're getting too big for your boots you know that Henderson?!"

"I found something!!"

"Are you gonna tell me what it is orrrr?"

"You have to see it or you won't believe me."

"Dustin I-"

"No I refuse to take any excuses see you outside my house in 20."

"But Dustin I-" Jess groaned when the sound of static could be heard. "Son of a bitch this kid will be the death of me." Jess sighed as she walked out.

"And where are you going?!"

"Out! You can take care of El for once while I'm gone." Jess slammed the door behind her as she drove over to Dustin's house. She went round to his window knocking on it as he opened it for her as she climbed in. "This better be good Dustin." She shook her head just as Dustin throw off the cover that what was used to be holding his tortoise but now this strange creature.

"What the hell is that?!"

"I know it's nothing like you've ever seen before right?!"

"You can say that again... why is the heater off?"

"He doesn't like the heat, it's hurts him."

"Bu the looks like a re-"

"A reptile I know!" Dustin groaned in excitement that someone was finally getting something he was explaining.

"Where'd you find him?"

"In me trash. Just now. So what do you think he is?"

"You're asking me?" Dustin nodded. "Why?"

"Because you're one of the coolest people I know. And smartest."

"I don't know anything about this sort of stuff bud. You got any books on reptiles that could help us narrow something down?" Dustin went to his shelves pulling at least six books down.

He and Jess sat on his bed against the wall reading through every book they could find on his shelves that could help them. Of course this went late into the night as Dustin fell asleep on Jess and Jess fell on top of Dustin's head.

Not knowing that whatever that thing was inside the cage was growing that very second.

Suspicious Minds - BOOK 2 - Joyce ByersWhere stories live. Discover now