chapter 1: a place to stay

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  time: around 10 or 11 pm

taco sat down at her campsite.  She hated the cold weather they were haveing. Clouds had rolled in. Snow was going to fall soon, she knew she needed better shelter then her old tent. But where? She looked around, her eyes pauseing on hotel oj. It was almost perfect, it had heat, food, water, and company. She knew she couldn't talk to anyone directly, but faint conversations from downstairs was better than nothing but a rustle in the trees. Also, mepad would be protected from water damage, so that was also pretty good.  The only cons were that shed have to make sure no one knew she was there, and she had to figure out were to stay. "Easy enough" she said to herself. "There must be an attic, or unused room of some sort." So she put on her tie and begain toward the hotel.

  Oj just got back from the store, he grabbed the bags and rushed inside, trying not to stay in the cold for too long. "Oj, are you sure you dont need any help?" Paper asked, "nope" oj said, and went to go get more things, what neither of them realized, was that taco had snuck in with her invisibility. "Close call"  she thought. And quickly went upstairs, careful not to be spotted. As she approached the top floor, she found 2 rooms, labled "toilet" and "mepad". "They must have been abandoned after mepad and toilets dissappearance." She thought, she quietly opend the first door, which was toilets room, it was mostly empty,  what was left was kind of a mess. But overall, it wasn't so bad. Mepads room was mostly spotless. Taco did notice that there was lots of unfinished work at his desk. Taco considered her options, she concluded that mepads room was better, and left the hotel back to her campsite,  when she got back, she started packing, and used mepad to teleport back to his room, just in time too, the snow had begun to fall. "Well, i suppose this is home for a wile." Going invisible again, she snuck downstairs to see what the others were doing. Some of them were on the a couch in the lobby, watching the weather on the tv, "looks like its gonna snow for a while" knife said. They all seemed, happy? Content seemed like a better word. Taco was slightly jealous. She somewhat missed talking and hanging out with others. Oh well, nows not the time to dwell on the past. She took some snacks from the kitchen and went back upstairs. She sighed and layed down on the bed. A little while later she feel asleep.


Huge thanks to my friend Charlie for helping me with this! Im actually debateing on my original murder mystery idea, considering im still new to this, im not that great at writing character deaths. If anyone has any tips on writing id love to hear them! (They dont have to be tips on storys like this specifically, just general tips) im also considering makeing this into a comic as well. Also dont mind me, just rewatching most of ii 2 bc i forgot half the lore. 

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