It all falls into place.

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 Tw: yelling, swearing, slight violence.

Microphone went upstairs to find taco with her headset on, attempting to listen to something. "Hey." Mic said. "You made the right choice" taco set her headphones on her bed. "Yeah, i guess i did." Taco sighed. "I, kinda regret taking him and fan. Im... sorry Microphone." Taco sat down. "Look taco, im willing to give you a second chance" Microphone said. "But, i dont think everyone will" "yeah." Taco sighed. She picked up the headset "Ive been trying to hear fan but the wind is way to strong, its all i hear."  Microphone looked at her. "We're probably gonna need to go out there at some point." Taco sighed and set the hedset back down. "Yeah. Its very dangerous though" "yeah" mic agreed. She looked around. "Hey, is this fans phone?" She asked, picking it up off the nightstand. "Yeah, i. Dont know the password to it though" taco shrugged. Microphone turned on the phone and typed in a combination of numbers. She tryed everything she could think of. The day he met test tube, the date first episode of inanimate insanitys release, even just a bunch of random numbers. She still couldn't get through.  "What... what are you doing?" Taco asked. "Maybe this will give us answers to where he went." Microphone suggested. She typed a few more possible passcodes. She and taco looked at each other. And collectively came to a realization. 

"Test tube!"

Microphone ran downstairs. Oj and mepad were talking to mephone on the phone. Microphone ran in. "TEST TUBE! COME HERE!"  She exclaimed. Test tube followed her into her room. Microphone handed the phone over. "I found this and thought it could give us some answers, do you know the password?" Test tube grabbed the phone. "No i dont know, but i do know he wrote it down and put it in his room" they both ran out and went into fan and paintbrushs room. Paintbrush was a little suprised see test tube throw open the drawer and grab a sticky note. "Were trying to find evidence!" Microphone shouted as they left.

Test tube opened the note and typed in the number, she looked through his notes app first, there was no evidence.  Then she looked at all his social media, nothing. Then finally she looked at his gallery. Thats when she saw it. All the photos he took of the host rooms. By the looks of it, it was mepads room. Paintbrush rushed in and slapped microphone across the face"WHAT THE HELL WHERE YOU THINKING!?" they shouted

~5 minutes ago~

 Paintbrush walked over to fans bed. Maybe they could start looking for evidence too. They threw the blanket off the bed and found a note saying, 

"im going to an off limits area, uf anything happens interrogate microphone." 

Thats when it all fell into place, how come microphone had disappeared suddenly and came back all the time? Even after the show at the hotel when the snowstorm came? how did mepad suddenly reappear after she was attacked by test tube ? It all made sense now.

Microphone was to blame for all of it.

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