The meeting

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A group sat in the lobby. Test tube stood in front of them with a whiteboard reading "OPERATION: SAVE FAN!" in blue marker. There was also a lot of photos from fans phone  printed and taped to it. "Alright is this everyone who wants to help?" Test tube said as she assessed the group. It wasn't the best search party ever, paintbrush and microphone sat in the chairs next to her. The others were suitcase, balloon, yinyang, soap, salt, pepper, pickle and knife. Mepad was also listening but he may not go, after all it was snowing, and he couldn't risk getting water damage. Test tube cleared her throat and began the meeting, "may i have your attention please?" She said. "As you all know fan has recently gone missing. We believe he left the hotel, and may have been kidnapped.  " She wrote 'left hotel' on the board and circled it. "Any other theorys?" "Where would he even go if he left though?" Balloon chimed. "Good question, were trying to figure that out ourselves." Paintbrush responded. "I say we have interrogations as well as search." Paintbrush began. "And maybe search the hotel one more time." Microphone looked at them. Would this mean her and taco would be found out? Oj now knew taco was there and she had her own proper room now. But knowing test tube and paintbrush, she knew they wouldn't give up. "Good idea paintbrush. We'll have one group interview, and another go out and search. We end a a particular time each day, maybe dinner?" The others nodded in agreement or gave a thumbs up. Microphone noticed and joined in,  trying not to seem suspicious. "ok group one will be suitcase, knife, microphone, paintbrush, salt, pepper and soap." Test tube said. "Group two wil lbe everyone else." She wrote the names on the board as she said them. "If anyone else wants to join we'll place them in the group who needs it the most. We start tomorrow at 8:30 and end at dinner, which is 5:30 mepad, i make it your job to make sure that everyone gets in and out with there group and safely" mepad nodded. "Ok, if theres no objections or any questions, your all dismissed, thanks for helping!" Test tube said.

Taco took her headset off. She had listened to the whole meeting. Search the hotel? Sure she had a normal room now and no one knew about it, but still, they could find her easily. But at the same time, she wanted them to find fan, she had no idea where xey went. Maybe the group would find them. Maybe... she would join? Yeah, that seemed like a good idea. Her headset allowed her to hear almost anything. She would have to travel with them in hiding, but she could litteraly go invisible, so not that much of a setback. she knew paintbrush and microphone were leading the search group, tomorrow and the day after they would stay. It was better to leave and not be found tomorrow, the day they stayed in the hotel microphone could prevent others from entering her room.  Well to be fair oj could do that too bit he was busy all the time. He probably would never notice someone going up toward her room. Taco sighed. She felt almost relieved. Maybe if she helped find fan, they would forgive her. Maybe not though.


Im sorry this took so long guys! Ive been working on my other au and ive been busy with school, sorry abt that! 

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