she's back

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  so uh, I realized that I didn't really think of a time in the timeline of ii for this to take place. so mephones gone because he's getting season 3 set up but everybody else is at hotel oj if that makes sense.  

Tw for swearing and yelling.


"Good morning!" Microphone exclaimed as she ran down the stairs. "Ugh, do you have to be so loud? Its like, 7 in the morning." Trophy mumbled, before takeing another sip of his usual morning tea. "Sorry Trophy" mic said as she opened the fridge. Trophy took another sip of his tea, "crap, im out of tea" he said, he reached for another teabag to make more, but quickly realized there wasn't any. "Who the hell stole my teabags!? I had at least 20 in here last night!" "Maybe there in your room?" Mic responded, "maybe" Trophy said before quickly running upstairs. Mic finished makeing her waffles and sat down to eat them. A few others came downstairs, most of them awoken by trophys angry shouting. Trophy stormed downstairs, "ok, who stole my teabags?!" He yelled, most people said they were innocent, but trophy was determined to find the culprit. Mic thought for a moment, the only other people who drank tea were balloon, suitcase, occasionally test tube, and- "wait" she whispered to herself "what?" Tropy said "oh its nothing" mic said. There was something that she thought of though, that was taco, she was the only other person she knew drank tea. She couldn't possibly be in the hotel though, right? "Fine" trophy stomped over to the sink and poured himself regular water before heading to the hotels gym. Mic put her plate in the sink and went back into her room. Her thoughts were like a cloud over her head, was taco there? Why? Why hadn't she left yet? She had to figure it out. She slowly turned her gain "Microphone, what are you doing" she whipped around to find knife standing there "you haven't done that since you- wait, please don't tell me" "i think shes back knife" Microphone sighed. "What makes you think that?" "I dont know, its just" "look mic, even if shes here, i dont recommend you go looking for her" "i just need to know" Microphone started walking down the hall "no, you really dont." Knife said, trying to stop her. She did stop, not because of knife, but because she heard her. "I hear her" knife was a little shocked, "it sounds like we know who stole trophys tea this morning" she said, "of course she did." Knife said. "I still dont recommend talking to her though, not to mention if this gets out to the rest of the hotel, well who knows what chaos would happen next" he made a good point. "Fine, i wont" she sighed. "Your telling the truth?" Knife said. "Yeah, i am." 

That was a lie.

That night, around midnight she turned her gain up again, she couldnt tell were tacos voice was coming from at first, but as she walked down the hall she realized she realized it was coming from an off limits area, the hosts rooms to be specific. No one was allowed back there, even oj himself didn't go back there often. Mic sighed, its what she had to do. She walked in and before she even realized what was going on a short shadow grabbed her hand and dragged her into mepads room "mic what are you doing here!?" Taco whisper shouted. "What  i doing here!? Why are you here!?" "This hotel was my only choice if i wanted to live mic" "do you..." the tension semmed to drop, "yes" taco said quietly, "i have him still" they both looked at mepad in the corner, "taco, you need to return him" "no i dont, not yet." "Well at least give me trophys tea." She said. "Fine." Taco muttered  and handed her a ziplock bag of trophys tea. "Now go to bed mic" mic left and put the tea in the kitchen where it was, and went to her room to go to sleep."

The next morning she awoke to screaming. 


Ooh cliffhanger *dun dun dun* again if you have any writing tips or questions feel free to let me know. Im really liking writing this, and i hope you guys like it too. Also chapters may come slower because im starting school soon. 

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