The medical room

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[Tw for swearing]

Well shit. Mic thought. Fan had begun his investigation to find mepad. "Fan, isn't this going a little far, its been a long time since we last saw them" Paintbrush asked, worried, "thats exactly why im doing this! I mean, no one found anything, so why dont i be the first?"mic was standing by the hosts doors with 2 cans of dr fizz. She was going to try and talk with taco about giving mepad back herself, she panicked a little when she saw fan approaching. "Hi!" She said trying to not seem suspicious. "Uh, hi" fan said, confused. "So what are you doing here?" Mic opend one of the dr fizz cans. "Uh, well i uh" fan stutterd a bit. He wasn't supposed to be in the hosts rooms himself, "i was just uh, coming to say hi..." he managed to mumble. Mic sighed, she knew what they were doing, "fan, ya know were not allowed in the hosts rooms" Microphone thought it was kinda funny, she was trying to stop someone from doing the very thing she was going to do. "It may be our only lead to finding mepad" fan said. "Theres a reason oj dosen't let us go in there, i dont really know his reasons, but he probably has them" mic explained, "i guess your right, but then why are you standing here?" Fan asked, he looked at her, "thats very suspicious microphone" fan took out a notepad and wrote 'SUSPECTS: MICROPHONE" mic sighed, "fine, im trying to get him back too, ive been trying to do that, i felt like adding you to this would just cause chaos" mic was definitely trying to avoid bringing up taco, or having fan figure it out. Fan did have his suspicions however. Lightbulb ran upstairs, "fan! Test tube said she really missed you, can you come to the medical room? I want to suprise her." She said "sure thing Lightbulb" fan said, he turned to microphone, "we'll discuss this later." He said and he ran downstairs. Microphone felt relieved. "Ok then see you later" she said. She quietly opened the door to the hosts rooms. She had something to say to someone.

  "Hey test tube guess what?" Lightbulb whispered from the other side of the door, "what" test tube asked. "I have a suprise for you!" "What is it?" Lightbulb opened the door a little more. "Hi test tube" fan whispered as he walked in.  "Hi fan! Sorry i haven't seen you in a while, i have to take care of trophy." "Its ok, i understand" he said. "Anyway what have you been doing? Anything interesting?" Test tube said as she sat at the desk and begain typing on her computer. "Well were trying to find out what happened to mepad" "wow its been a while since we last saw him" she said. "Yeah" fan sighed. "The only leads i have is mic acting suspicious, like shes hideing something but trying to help at the same time." "Ugh, of course its microphone" test tube groaned under her breath. "Oh yeah i forgot about that." Test tube blamed microphone for what happened when the shimmers took fan, ever since they resented each other and argued a lot. "What about you?" Fan asked. "Nothing much, just looking out for trophy." Test tube said, looking at trophy. He was fast asleep. "He should be ok, its just boreing." She sighed.  "Oh and about microphone,  i saw her sneak in the kitchen lat night, maybe..." fan wrote that down, "now that i think about it, it makes a lot of sense" he said, there was some awkward silence for a bit, but as fan was about to leave, they heard something, "what the fuck?" Trophy muttered. "Oh, trophy, gpod to see your up." Test tube said, "yeah yeah whatever, what the hell happened though" as fan left he could hear test tube explaining things to trophy. Things were going back to normal.

At least, for a while.


Sorry this isn't my best writing i had little to no ideas for this one 😅 anyway the next chapter should be better hopefully. Also sry this took so long i started school. 

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