You know they wont listen right?

350 14 19

Tw: violence, swearing

Microphone and knife walked into her room. "Your crazy." Knife said. "I highly doubt oj is gonna let taco of all people stay at the hotel" he said. "I know" said Microphone. "But its worth a shot." Knife shook his head. At this point, if taco agreed, then the deal was set in stone. There was no going back. "I'll go talk to him. In case taco says yes." Microphone began toward the door. "Microphone you know hes not gonna let a thief and kidnapper stay at his hotel" knife said. "Well where else would she go then mr. wise guy" mic remarked. Knife sighed. "Good luck then. You may need it"

Mic walked out into the hall and began heading downstairs. As she turned the corner something stopped her. It was test tube. "Hey test tube, in trying to talk to oj heh..." she began to try to get around her awkwardly. "What do you need to talk to him about?" Test tube asked. "Oh, heh, its nothing." Mic began to walk faster. "Microphone i know you have something to do with fans disappearance." Mic stopped and began to sweat a bit. "Y-you think?" She lied. "Oh i dont think, i know." Microphone began to run. Test tube grabbed the baseball bat that was sitting outside trophys room and hit her with it. Microphone fell to the ground. Test tube looked at her realizeing what she had done. She gasped. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit" she murmured.she heard a screech from behind her. Right there were suitcase and knife, who had seen exactly what she just did. 

Suitcases screaming was loud so oj and balloon begain running up the stairs. Test tube just stood there, unsure what to do. "TEST TUBE!" Oj shouted. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT!?" Knife added. She begain backing away, feeling guilty. "Im sorry, i-" "no test tube, dont, just get mic to the medical room" oj interrupted. Test tube did her best to pic up mic and carry her to the medical room. "Why in the world would she do that!?" Oj shouted. "I mean, think about it" suitcase chimed. "Didn't she have some drama with microphone? Maybe she blames microphone for fans dissappearance." The others looked at her, she had a point. 

It was getting late, test tube sat at her desk. She thought she should go to bed. Bust she wanted to stay with microphone. She didn't like that she hurt her. She almost fell asleep when she heard microphone mutter something. Test tube turned as microphone sat up . "Hi." "Hey." "Sorry for ya know, knocking you out." "Yeah..." "i was pretty mad. Even if you did have something to do with it. I guess it was still wrong of me to do that." They stared at each other. "Well i guess its time for bed."  Mic stood up and relized she had a horrible headache. She tryed to cover it up to make test tube feel less guilty. "Night microphone." Test tube whispered. "Night test tube."

When mic got back to her room she found a note on her bed. It read,

" dear microphone, im not good with sentimental stuff, so I'll get this over with. I saw what happened today. I blame myself. After all, you weren't exactly the reason they were missing, i was. Im gonna probably let fan go. Sincerely, taco." 

Microphone smiled. She knew this was tacos way of saying sorry. That night was also her first positive interaction with test tube in a really long time. Things were looking up. 

Or were they?


HOLY CRAP 2 CHAPTERS IN 1 DAY!? THATS A NEW RECORD YALL YIPPEE! im also slowly loseing ideas for this. I relized theres not really an end goal, but i do know how i want the story to end i just dont know what the climax is gonna be lol.  

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