The search

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Taco put on her small bag with her headset inside, as well as put on her bowtie. Today she was going to go help search. She looked out the window and noticed today was perfect. There was way less wind and it was cloudy but you could see everything clearly. Taco finished packing and snuck to microphones room, it was 4 in the morning and so the only ones up were her and whoever was mentally unstable enough that they were awake. Which was quite a few people. But no one left there room till 5. So she had a bit if she hurried. She opened the door and closed it quietly. She placed a small cup of tea on microphones night stand and sat on test tubes bed. Test tube fell asleep in paintbrushs room that night, so taco was safe as long as no one came in. She hid in the closet just in case though.

Microphone woke up and noticed the now cold tea on her nightstand. She drank it and instantly recognized it as one of tacos favorites. She placed the cup back on her nightstand. "Good morning taco" she mumbled. Taco crept out of her hiding place. "Hi, i came to ask you to help me with something." She said. "Damn, straight to the point." Microphone muttered while rubbing her eyes. She was way to tired for any chaos today. "I want to help you with the search today." Taco said quietly. "And how in the world do you plan on doing that?" Mic asked, too tired to be shocked. "Microphone, i litteraly have a device that lets me go invisible, im only asking yiu to take my headset." Taco held up her bag with the headset inside. Microphone shrugged and grabbed it. 

"Ok, is this everyone?" Paintbrush said as they finished counting. Everyone was there. "Ok guys," paintbrush said. "I recommend traveling with a partner or group for your safety." People immediately got with whoever they were close too. Microphone looked around nervously for tacos tie while paintbrush explained things like the amount of snow and how cold it was. Mic spotted taco in the corner. Good, she was there.

The group split up onto smaller groups and began there search. After everyone left microphone and taco were the ones left there. Taco pressed the button on her tie and appeared in a flash of green light. "I know a place." She said as mic handed her the bag with the headset. They went to the forest and turned on the headset. She listened for something, she could hear the rest of the search party, but she couldn't hear fan.  Microphone turned her gain up to try and help but she faced the same problem

Knife spotted them and walked up to them. "Do you guys have any leads?" He asked. "No not-" Microphone stopped. "Microphone is everything alright?" Taco asked. " I didn't hear fan, but i did hear another missing person, and they seem to be talking to fan." "Who is it?" Knife asked. "Marshmellow. And now im starting to hear apple and is that- dough? No hes dead thats impossible. But nonetheless there talking about fan, or to them i cant tell." Taco put her headset back on and listened yeah i hear them! I also hear... footsteps, 3 people, its suitcase and..." "and what?" Kinfe asked annoyed. "Shes with pickle and balloon..." 

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