The escape

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Tw: falling, shouting/arguement

Fan sat on the bed. His eyes were a bit puffy, he was crying a little. Every once in a while he heard doors open and close, but he usually payed no attention to them. After all, his door never opened. He decided he needed to get up and at least stretch. He walked over to the window and pushed aside the heavy red curtains. The snow was calming and beautiful. It reminded him of test tube, and the others. He missed them dearly.  As he turned she spotted something in the evening light. It was a lock, if he unlocked it, he could open the window and escape. He opened the closet in search of some way he could get down from the window.  He then remembered something he had done once before, if he opened himself, he could float down, it was risky but he could pull it off.

Unfortunately, the odds were not in his favor that evening.

"So your telling me that the person who tryed to steal one million dollars, as well as kidnapped two people, has been secretly living in my hotel for the past 2 weeks." Oj sighed. "Yeah" mic shrugged. "And if i donr let her stay, shes gonna keep those people, and also die, possibly putting the others at risk." Oj sat down after he said that. He found it hard to believe. Mic had just explained everything. From working with her in season 2 to the things she had done recently. "Ok fine. I'll let her stay." He said. Mic smiled, There was finally a compromise. "Only if she can give back fan and mepad tomorrow morning. And apologize." Oj added. Mic nodded. And went to go talk to taco.

That night,  fan had found the key to the lock. And he was ready to go. He figured he could just float down and walk to the front door, but he made a mistake, and severely underestimated how strong the winds were. He decided he should go anyway, this could be his only shot. So he opened the window and prepared to jump.  As soon as he opened and flew out, he was carried away, the wind was very strong. He closed himself a bit, hoping it would let him fall, it worked but as he fell he hit a tree. He screamed and flopped onto the ground. He heard someone walk up, but all he saw was a blur. Then, he passed out.

Taco flew open microphones bedroom door "mic get up hes gone!" She shouted. Mic sat up "what?" She yawned. "Its fan, hes gone!" "WHAT!?" Microphone shouted.  The two ran over to the room he was in, "I-i had him here! Where did he go!?" Taco exclaimed. "Taco, the windows open " Microphone said. Taco rushed to the window. It was indeed left open. Oj and knife walked in. "Whats going on!?" Oj demanded "FANS GONE WE DONT KNOW WHERE TO FIND HIM" Microphone spoke extremely fast. "By the looks of it he escaped" knife said. "So you still have mepad? Oj asked. Taco sighed "yes, i do." She led oj to where mepad was. "Here, take him" she sighed.


Shorter chapter yall! Sorry! I posted the extras book for this but i may delete it cus idk what to do with it. So ive typed this so much that everytime i type a period my autofill on my phone automatically comes up with microphone. Lol. 

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