A note from the author.

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Hey guys! Its me! I just wanted to talk about a few things.

First off, thanks for getting snowed in to 500 reads! It means a lot to me that you guys like it! 

Secondly, i have no idea where to take the story. I know how i want it to end and i have a bot more riseing action. But i have no clue what to do for the climax. Maybe taco is revealed in some dramatic fashion? Idk, i dont want the story to be uneventful, but i dont want it to go on too long. No, this does not mean the end of snowed in its probably gonna get more content as time goes on. I have decided that when the storys over im going to make bonus chapters (Maybe even a book 2?) And the story still has a bit to go. I do plan on finishing it by the end of the year however. And i have 3 more aus on the way! Ijust dont know wher eto take this at the moment. 

Third, i am always taking constructive criticism! Please if you see any issues i will correct them to the best of my ability and take note for any future storys. 

And finally, how do we feel abt adding neopronouns to some characters? Like fan has it/xe bc yes. /nf (if i see any neo antis im gonna add it out of spite.) 

Thats all! -rae :D

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