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Tw for loud and panicked spaces, mentions of death. 

microphone hurried downstairs.  a crowed was forming in the lobby. pepper was freaking out. "what's going on!?" mic shouted. no one answered. it was too loud and panicked.  fan rushed upstairs and came back down with test tube. microphone pushed her way to the middle of the crowd to find test tube scooping trophy off the floor and rushed him to the medical room.  oj stood on the front desk and started loudly ringing the desk bell. "everyone!" he yelled. " trophy's tea was returned to its original spot, though this morning while he was drinking it, he passed out out of nowhere, we think someone put something in his tea somehow, so until we know who did this,  only a select few people will be allowed in the kitchen, well also have mealtimes all together at specific times. that's all." he stepped down from the desk.  mic knew there could only be one person behind this, and that person was taco. she stormed upstairs before anyone saw her, and quietly snuck into the hosts rooms. "taco!" she whisper shouted as she opend mepads room. "did you kill trophy!? are you out of your mind!?" taco looked at her, "think of it this way mic, i did almost the same thing i did to mepad, its not enough to kill him, just, make him fall asleep for a while." she said. "why did you do that though?" microphone asked. "more supplies, i can sneak into his room and grab things i need now" taco said. "taco, im not letting you do that" mic said somewhat angry at this point.  "what are you going to do to stop me without looking suspicious?" taco asked. mic sighed, she made a good point. "fine, but just know, im not letting you do this again." "its not like you can  stop me easily mic." mic didn't know what to say, so she stormed out of the room.  when she walked out into the main hallway, she saw knife with his arms crossed, starring at her with frustration. "you talked to her, didn't you?" he said. "maybe" microphone said. knife sighed. "apparently  someone saw you last night. id watch out if i were you." someone saw her? great, another catastrophe to deal with. "lunch starts in 30 minuets, be downstairs by then." knife went to his room. mic looked at the time, it was already 12?! that much time passed? "wow." she thought as she went downstairs. the lobby was mostly quiet. you could hear a few people making lunch, and whatever video game pickle was playing, but that was about it.  Test tube came out into the lobby, "good news, trophys not going to die. He'll be out for a few more hours though." She said. "I'll let you guys know when he wakes up." She left and went back to the medical room. Mic didn't want to say anything, but the silence was awkward. She looked around, fan was typing away at his computer. "So fan, what are you doing?" Microphone asked awkwardly. "Oh! Uh, someone on my blog brought up an interesting question, there wondering whatever happened to mepad" fan said. Mic paniced a little, after all she was the only one who knew,  and she couldn't say a word. "Oh, i thought he was with mephone." Paintbrush said, looking up from there sketchbook. "I thought so too, but according to mephones recent posts, hes nowhere to be found." Fan said. "I thought he died or something" nickle said as he sat on the couch. "What do you thonk happened microphone?" Fan asked her. "Well i uh-" she didn't know what to say. "I uh, dont know" she managed to say. "Ya know, he could be around here somewhere, maybe we just need to look in the right place." Microphone began to sweat a little, was he going to figure it out? What would she do? The front desks bell rang, "lunchtime!" Paper shouted. This would have ro wait.


Well this didn't take as long as i thought it would.  The next chapter is probably gonna be just some lore lmao.  Anyways have a good day idk what else to put here

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