Test tube needs a hug

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"Where... am i?" Fan said. He tryed to stand up, but there was a shelf of some sort above him. "Am i in a, closet?" "Hi fan, its nothing personal just a matter of survival." Taco said. "Explain..." fan said. "Lets just say if anyone found me, i would die out there in the freezing cold." She explained. "Well, when am i able to go?" Fan questioned. "Haven't figured that out yet." Taco shrugged. "Great,  im stuck here." Fan said sarcastically. Taco knew mic and knife would be outraged, but she didn't want to be found out either. "Look fan, i don't want to make you upset, like i said, its a matter of survival, nothing personal." She sighed. Fan lied on the floor, he could feel tears building up, but tried to push them down. That didn't work.

Test tube sat anxiously on the couch. No one had heard from or seen fan since that afternoon. He was gone without a trace. Sure test tube had saved fan before, but this worried her, how in the world could someone go missing without a trace and couldn't leave the building!? Paintbrush set a cup of tea on the coffee table in front of them. They sat doen next to her and lightbulb sat on the other side.  "You wanna talk about it?" Paintbrush asked. Test tube wrapped her blanket more tightly. "Its just, im worried." She said.  Paintbrush looked at her. "Hes gonna be ok test tube" they said. Test tube hugged them "i miss him so much paintbrush" she sobbed. "I really do" paintbrush was kinda shocked, sure test tube was emotional, but usually not this emotional, But They hugged her back, trying to calm her down. Lightbulb had begun crying too. She cried a lot when others cryed. "Oh great not you too" paintbrush said lovingly. "Yeah me too" Lightbulb said as she tryed to rub the tears out of her eyes.

15 minutes later, oj found the three of them laying around, lightbulb fell asleep and test tube cuddled paintbrush. "You guys should probably head to bed soon, its getting late" he said. "Yeah" paintbrush agreed. "Did you want to come in my room tonight test tube?" Paintbrush asked. "I dont know, im scared everything in there is just gonna remind me of him. Some company may be comforting though." She said. "Thats fair" paintbrush shrugged. "Hey lightbulb" they said as they tapped lightbulbs shoulder lightbulb perked up "huh!? Oh it was just you painty" she she said. "Do you have a roommate?" Paintbrush asked. "No, why?" Lightbulb said. "Can test tube stay in your room tonight?" Paintbrush asked. "Sure! I'll bring some snacks, we can make it an amazing slumber party!" She said. "Knowing you lightbulb your gonna fall asleep before the party part can even begin." Paintbrush chuckled. Test tube frowned. "Oh shoot, sorry" paintbrush said. "Its fine." Test tube sighed. They were right though, lightbulb fell asleep almost immediately. Test tube turned off the lamp and layed down. She couldn't stop thinking about fan. How in the world did he go missing? It was all so confusing. She looked at lightbulb, who had fallen asleep with her blanket. Fan gave it to her for Christmas one year. It always felt like a warm hug. Test tube smiled, and fell asleep looking back on that wonderful day.

" is that what you said to pickle?"

Taco woke up in a cold sweat, recently she's been having dreams of that day. The day she took  mepad. The day she and mic no longer spoke. Until recently of course. It had been two weeks since she first moved in. She looked over at the locked closet. She could hear him mutter something to himself. "Look, fan" she sighed. "Toilets room is a mess but theres more room. I may put you in there." She said.  Sure she kidnapped mepad, but he was unconscious. Fan wasn't. She felt a little guilty about it. Not a lot, but a little. Plus this would make microphone way less angry at her. She would still be outraged, but at this point there was no escapeing that. "Sure" fan said. Taco opened the door, it was too dark for ethier of them to see, but it was just enough to get fan in toilets room. For good measure taco locked the door between the hallway and the hosts rooms hall, as well as toilets door as soon as fan got inside. Taco went back to her bed, but couldn't sleep. She hated those dreams.


Its very sad ik. Also i would put "is that what you said to pickle?" In italics but im writing this on my phone and idk how to do that. Im stil open to writing tips!


Ok, if this story hits 400 reads i will make a bonus chapter book, its gonna be way more lighthearted and mostly just shenanigans at the hotel. Also, i fell like im leaving a lot of characters out, so who do you wanna see? (Also i had absolutely no clue what to call this chapter)

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