5 stages of grief.

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Tw: weapon (tacos gun) grief (duh thats the title /lh)

"Get up sleepyhead, we have a brit to yell at"

Mic sat up and looked at the time. It was about 9:00 am, she slept late. "Oh yeah be there in a sec knife" she said. Knife left and microphone got out of bed. She met up with knife right outside the host rooms door. She tryed to open it. "Its locked" she said. "Yeah no shit sherlock" knife rolled his eyes and knocked on the door. "Taco,  we know your in there, let us in" he demanded. No answer. "What are we gonna do?" Mic pondered. "Well she cant stay in there forever" knife responded. "If we stay close we may catch her sneaking out." The door flung open. Taco stood there holding the gun she stole from test tubes lab forever ago. "Taco we know you-" knife stopped, noticing the weapon in tacos hand. "Taco..." mic backed away. "Put it down, we just wanna talk"  taco opend the door a little more. "Realease them both." Mic demanded. "Why should I?" Taco asked. There was a long pause as mic thought about it. "Because i will do everything i can to make sure they cant kick you out." Knife and taco stared at her in shock. "I'll talk to oj, make sure no one knows, after all, isnt this a matter of survival?" Taco stood there, considering it. "Let me think about it microphone." She said as she gently shut the door. Mic smiled a bit. 

Test tube sat up, it was 10:00 am. Lightbulb was still asleep. Test tube smiled a bit and went to go put the blanket that had fallen off the bed back on her. She went quietly downstairs, thinking about the day before. She somewhat hoped it was a bad dream. She sat at the table next to paintbrush and began to munch on some blueberry waffles. She thought about fan, how did he dissappear? She sat for a moment, but then it came to her.


Test tube saw mic put trophys tea away, the next morning was spent in the medical room. She was the only suspect that fan could think of. She thought mic had obliterated her and fan when the shimmers came.

Theres five stages of grief; she was about to go through anger. 


OOH DRAMA! I feel like im getting better at writing, so yay! But i have to ask if you guys wanna see the bonus chapter book i talked abt last chapter or do you want me to put art in the chapters? Also im working on a few more osc aus, one of witch is a comic!

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