The plan

274 9 7

Tw: fire, yelling/arguement

"OW PAINTBRUSH WHAT THE FUCK" Microphone screamed "THIS!" paintbrush threw the note on the bad next to them. Test tube snatched it and read it. "This! Why does microphone dissappear sometimes!? why is she always somewhat awkward when talking to people!? Just think about it test tube!" Paintbrush  shouted, their hair begging to spark. Test tube asked microphone,  "what... do you know about this?" Microphone sat in silence. She had no clue what to say. "Come on microphone! I know you know something!" Paintbrushs bristles were getting close to catching fire now. Microphone looked atound in panick. "JUST TELL US!!" Paintbrushs hair was about to catch fire when microphone quickly stood up and pushed Paintbrush to the floor. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?"  Paintbrush screamed. "THAT WAS SO YOU DIDNT CATCH THE HOTEL ON FIRE AND WE WOULD ALL HAVE TO GO OUT THERE IN THE FREEZING COLD AND NOT HAVE A PLACE TO GO!" Microphone screeched. Test tube thought for a moment. "Lets go anyway." They both looked at her. "Lets leave the hotel and look for fan, we have the supplies to go outside, it may be hard but its possible." Microphone helped paintbrush off the floor and they stared at test tube, not sure weather they were shocked, or interested. Maybe a bit of both. "Well go then." Paintbrush agrrd quietly. "Its supposed to be a little less windy tomorrow afternoon. Well leave then." They said quietly. "I'll put together a team to go." Mic said. And so they had a mission. 

Fan got out of bed and immediately was met with a jolt of pain from  there right leg. "OW!" He screeched. He sat back down as Marshmellow came in, "you ok!?" She asked. "No its my leg" fan said. "Here let me take a look" marsh moved his leg onto the bed. "Yeah, it looks broken." She said. "I'll be right back." Marshmellow left and came back quickly with a crutch in her hands. "I found this, maybe you could use it?" Fan took it and stood. "Thats better." He sighed. "Breakfast should be ready in a few minutes." Marshmellow said as she left. 

When fan came downstairs to the kitchen he found apple and bow doing there usual drawing as dough tryed to teach Marshmellow the piano. "Those are yours fan." Apple told him and he pointed to a plate of waffles with a large helping of whipped cream. "Marshmellow helped me make it for you." Fan smiled. It was nice that they were helping him, but he knew he had to go back soon. He sat down next to apple, "hey do you guys have a phone?" "Yeah, you can borrow mine if you need" bow suggested. Fan took the phone off the table and tryed to dial in the hotel oj phone number. "Hello?" Someone said from the phone, "hi, this is fan." Fan said. "Your breaking up, i cant hear you" the person said. "Try calling back later" the person hung up the phone. "The singnals pretty bad." Bow said as fan handed the phone back. Apple handed fan a sheet of paper and some crayons. "Wanna draw something?" She asked.


No notes today :D but sorry this took so long. The next few chapters are gonna be dramatic and im also planning a few more aus, plus i think i figured out where i wanna go with this story so yay. Have a nice day/night :]

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