The interview.

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Mephone walked into  the television studio as an audience cheered. 

"Hello everyone!" He said as he sat in a chair. 

"Hello mephone! How have you been?"

"Ive been alright i suppose."

"So, your starting season 3 of inanimate insanity soon. Want to tell us anything about that?"

"I'd perfer to keep some things a suprise but theres a few things i dont mind sharing." 

"Alright, do you plan on having any guests on?"

"Yes! Several of them in fact."

"That brings us too another question, do you plan on having a co-host again? Are mepad and/or toilet coming back"

Mephone stared and seemed to be lost in thought. He shuffled in his chair a bit. Eventually he sighed and decided he needed to say something. 

"No. Im not making that mistake again. I had to fire one, the other went missing. Im not going to name any names however. So dont even try to get that answer. I do imiss both of them a lot though..."

Mepad stared at the television screen.  He noticed how sad mephone seemed. He missed him too. About an hour after dinner however. Oj picked up the phone and held it to mepad. 

"Hello? This is mephone4 speeking."

"Hello sir."


sorry if i made yall sad but yayyyyyy they reunited! I have nothing else to say other than this is a new personal record for how fast ive gotten a chapter out after the last one. Im supposed tobe doing homework rn lol. 

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