The fright mansion

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F*ck it im adding neos to some characters. Xeno + neo antis dni. 

Fan blinked awake and rubbed his eyes. He looked around, he had a headace so he layed back down. The place he was in was familiar, but they couldn't quite put there finger on it. Fan decided he needed to figure out where he was. It hurt but he sat up and tryed to walk around a bit. He limped over to the doorway and through the hall. Xe looked into a hallway to find a chair broken to bits. 

They then relized where xe were. He was at the purgatory mansion. 

Taco pushed on the ppwer botton. The iconic meeple logo dinged on mepads screen. Taco walked back as he blinked awake. "What... happened?" He muttered. "Where am i?" Everyone in the room let out a collective sigh or relief. "Should we explain it to him now?" Oj asked. Taco paused. "Thats a lot to put on him at the moment" mepad blinked in confusion. "What?" He asked. "Please explain to me now. I have way to many questions." Taco sighed. "Well, heres what happened."

Fan was scared. He had so meny questions. Especially ones involving a "who". Who had taken him at the hotel? Who brought him to the mansion? He had no clue. Xe turned to the main room and was very tired. He was in a lot of pain from that fall, he knew the stairs would be his worse nightmare. They stared at them. "Oh, your awake!" A soft voice said from behind. Fan turned to see her.


Marshmellow grabbed fans hand. "Here," she said. "Let me help you" fan stared at her. "W-where have you been?" He asked. "Ive been here." Marshmellow said. "I didn't tell anyone because i didn't want to be stopped." They begain down the steps. "Other than the people here, you and mepad are the only ones who know." Fan looked at his feet. Should they tell it? Fan looked back up at marshmellow. "Marshmellow, mepads... missing. Ive been looking for him with little to no evidence." The both stopped. "He WHAT!?" Marsh began to panic. "I was too for a while. Then you found me. The others at the hotel still dont know." Marsh stared at him in shock. By that time theywerw at the bottom of the stairs where dough was practiceing the piano and bow and apple were drawing. Fan sat down at the counter next to marshmellow. "Im so sorry." Xey said. "Marshmellow!" Apple smiled. Marsh looked at her and then back to fan. "Sorry about that too." She said. "Need anything?" "No im ok." They said.  And so fan sat on the counter and watched the others draw. It was only then when he realized "WAIT 2 OF THESE PEOPLE DIED AND SINCE WHEN DID MARSH AND APPLE GET ALONG-"

"So thats what happened." Taco finished. "Wow." Mepad sighed. "And, is mephone ok?" Moc barged back into the room. "We'll find out tonight!" She said. "He has a tv interview tonight!" When mepad came downstairs, he was greeted with suprise and a warn welcome. He was told not to tell anyone about taco, no matter how meany questions he got. He still was overjoyed to see the others again. 


ok for anyone who got confused, marsh uses she/they/it and fan uses he/they/xe BUT YEAH MANSION PEPOLE AND MEPAD YIPPEEEEEE also yes the title is a reference to an object show me and my friend are working on. 

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