The bedroom

421 15 4

Tw: argument,  kidnapping

Mic opened the door quietly, "ppst, taco, are you there?" Mic asked. Taco walked towards her, "if this is another attempt at getting back mepad it will fail mic" she said. "Taco, why do you still even have him? We dont even know if theres going to be the end of season 2!" Mic mic argued. "Thats-" taco was interrupted by knife walking in. "Let me guess, this is about him, isn't it?" Knife said, gestureing to mepad. Mic and taco looked at each other, then back at knife, "yeah, it is" mic said. "Taco, you could have gone almost anywhere, why did you come to hotel oj?" Knife asked. "Well it felt like my only option, i dont know how far mepad can teleport, and I have no other method of travel, so it was easy to just, come here, if not, i could be freezing to death in that snow out there." "If this is a matter of survival, wouldn't it be best to give him back and try to fix some things  with some others? So ya know, theres not a risk of getting kicked out?" Knife recommended. "I-" taco didn't know what to say, he had a good point. But, fix things? He of all people shouldknow that she never actually was friends with the other contestants. "If you do give him back can you please wait before you do?" I think fans on to me about this." Microphone asked. "Im not giving him back mic. Its best if i had him in case i do get caught." Taco sighed "Why not?! Theres no reason to not give him back now! Even if you get caught the games over!" "Well mic if you were LISTENING, you would have known it was so i wouldn't freeze to death!" Taco argued. The two began shouting at each other. Knife went to the closet door and opened it,


microphone and taco stopped and looked at him. "Do you two want everyone to know your here!? Quiet down." He whisper shouted. Microphone looked back at taco. "Im gonna go. We'll finish this later" she said.

In the following days, fan kept gathering evidence. All of it against mic. The only thing he lhadn't done was go in mepads or mics rooms, he knew he would be caught easily  easily if he did, so he didn't. But, one day, his curiosity got the better of him.  He had to see mepads room. No matter the cost. Do he slowly creaked open the door and looked around. He saw empty cups of tea sitting on his desk. "Thats odd" fan thought.  Mepad couldn't even drink tea. Fan turned to the window, he was on the 2nd to top floor, so the view of the snow outside was amazing. He looked around, near the closet was a few photos of the show, nothing too interesting. They took some pictures on his phone to print out later, and begain heading for the door. Suddenly, something hit them in the back of the head.

Next thing fan knew he woke up in a dark room



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