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Mic entered shortly behind xem. "So your the one behind this huh?" He said, his arms crossed. Taco understood what happened, microphone had told fan. she looked at him and thought of what bow said for a moment.  "Yeah. I am." She said. And looked down at her feet.

"You suck you know that?" Fan said. Taco looked back up at them.

 "I was separated from my friends and hobbies all because you wanted to be safe. Did you even consider the possibility of leaving to another hotel? Or why not try to win the game fairly? Now all  i want to do is get back to the hotel but my leg is litteraly broken." He rolled xer eyes. "Fan i-"

Taco was interrupted as fan lifted his crutch and hit taco with it, knocking her out and causing him to fall to the floor. 

Microphone and bow stood back in shock as fan attempted to stand, "what the hell-" Microphone gasped, "well, she did that to me, it seems pretty fair." Fan said. Marshmellow ran in and helped fan up, "dont worry, i heard everything" she explained. Microphone walked over to taco as the commotion brought the others into the room. "What are we going do do about her? We have to be back as fast as possible." Microphone asked. "Leave her." Fan murmured as they rolled his eyes. Microphone looked at xem with a look of disapproval. "Well it looks like her shell was chipped." Apple pointed out. Microphone looked down at taco, she didn't even notice tacos shell was chipped. "It doesn't look too bad, she should be ok." Marshmellow said.

A little while later, taco woke up on the couch, microphone was sitting next to her. "Hey" taco mumbled. "Hey." Microphone sat calmly for a few moments. "Hey mic?" Taco began, microphone turned to look at her. "Do you think I could ever be forgiven after what i did?" Taco asked. Microphone sat back and thought for a minute. "Eh, some of the season 2 guys may forgive you. A lot of them just dont care. As for most of the bright lights and people from season one...  well, i suppose you know the rest." She said. Outside it was calm, nothing but a blanket of snow and trees. Knife walked in, "we better get going if we dont want test tube angry." He said.

"Thanks for helping me Marshmellow." Fan said. Marshmellow nodded. "Oh, give these to the people in the hotel, this one is specifically for paintbrush." Marshmellow said, pulling a stack of envelopes abd pointing at the top one. "You exchange letters with paintbrush?" Fan said. Marshmellow nodded. "We'll be sure to tell mepad you said hi." Knife said. "You found him!?"Marshmellow exclaimed. Mic and knife looked at taco. "Of course you took him!" Fan said as he rolled his eyes. "Oh..." Marshmellow mumbled. "We should go." Taco said. "Yeah" mic responded.

Taco, microphone, knife, and fan walked back into the entrance of hotel oj. "Welcome back" oj said. "Thanks." Fan said. "Im going upstairs. No one talk to me." Taco left to go to her room. 

Taco walked down the hallway quickly. At this point she didn't care who spotted her, untill she ran into pickle. "Hey watch where your-" he stepped back, "taco?" Taco looked up at him. "We can discuss this later." Taco kept her cold and angry demeanor, but was slightly scared. "Well whats stopping you from talking now!?" He said. "None of your business." Taco snapped. "What are you doing in the hotel?" Pickle stood angrily. "Pickle its like, 20° outside." She remarked. "Ok, why hotel oj specifically?" "pickle do you want the truth!?" "Well after you've lied so much im starting to wonder if you know the meaning of that word!"

Taco sighed "if you simply must know ive been on the show parameters trying to manipulate microphone  to try and help her win and then we'd split the prize money. I chose her because shes easy to manipulate, just like you were. Only difference is she had the guts to stand up to me, and she actually helped me learn about myself." Taco stepped back, shocked at what she had just said. Pickle was shocked too. "Good day pickle." She said as she rushed upstairs.

A few hours later taco sat in the dark of her room at twilight. Microphone opened the door and thw warm light from the hallway flooded the room.  "Hey, wanna come get some food? Oj said we could eat in the kitchen." She said. "Yeah I'll be there in a minute." Taco sighed. Microphone walked further into the room. "Did you really mean what you said about me? To pickle i mean" taco sighed, "the second part is more true than the first. You and knife are really the only ones there for me." She sat up. "Sorry for the trouble i caused. I dont know how to make it up to you guys." Taco explained. Oj stepped into the room, "i couldn't help but overhear your conversation." he said. "As much as the guests will hate it, i may have an offer for you."


Hey so, the next chapter is the last chapter, and i want to clarify a few things.

1. Im going to write chapters that take place after the story

2. Im makeing another au that takes place in season 3, this au is not part of that au.

Other than that, thanks for 2k reads and hitting number 1 in #ii again. Also happy new year, hope you have a good 2023! :>

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