The end.

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"Hurry up guys were going to miss the boat!" Oj shouted, rushing down the stairs. "Does everyone have everything?" He said. "Oj we'll be fine." Balloon sighed. "Your right, sorry." Oj apologized. Balloon shrugged. "I cant wait!" Fan said and threw his bags into the car. Test tube smiled. "Same."

Meanwhile, taco sat behind a desk in an office and tied her new bowtie. Microphone walked in, "i still can't believe oj gave you a job." She laughed in disbelief. Taco smiled, "must have gotten desperate, but im just fileing papers and stuff." She said. "Shouldn't be that hard." Taco finished with her tie. "Wanna go say bye to the others? Oj might as well say thanks before you go." Microphone asked. "Sure." Taco shrugged.

"So i can trust you three?" Oj looked at taco, mepad, and paper. "The hotel will be fine oj, enjoy your vacation." Mepad said. "Thanks again guys." Oj then left to put his things in the car, and they went speeding off. 

Paper turned to face the others in the lobby, "ok everyone! Oj left mepad, taco, and I to look after the hotel, respect us as you would him." He announced. Most people looked at taco, it was no secret she was there anymore, and maybe taco was ok with that. 

Taco sat at her desk, the snow had finally melted. She loved the warm weather they were haveing.

The end.

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