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Test tube and paintbrush walked back in. "So, we've decided on what to do." Paintbrush said.

"And that is?" Knife said as he crossed his arms. "Im getting to that." Paintbrush scoffed. "Heres the deal. If you find fan in 48 hours, then nothing else happens, and you can stay." "And if we don't?" Taco asked. "Then me and paintbrush will personally see to it that all 3 of you are banned" Test tube glared at taco. "Your timer starts at midnight tonight." 

That night at midnight knife, microphone and taco met at the front door. "Well, are we all ready?" Taco put her headset on. "Yeah, lets go." Microphone opened the door and they went into the forest.

"Microphone, didn't you say he was over there earlier?" Knife pointed to the place she had said thay morning. "Yeah." She turned up her gain "by the way it sounds they're still there." They began walking towards the mansion. 

Taco nervously knocked on the door. "Who in the world could that be?" Someone said as they aproached the door. Apple opened the door. "omg! Marshmellow! We have friends over!" Marshmellow walked towards the door. "Apple who in the world is-" it suddenly had a smile on her face. "Oh wow hey guys! Suprised to see you all here." Apple opened the door and gestured them to come inside. They followed Marshmellow to the kitchen where apple sat back down at the counter  where she had been 

"Have you guys been here this whole time? We were worried about you!" Microphone said as they all sat down at the counter. "Yeah. We've been here." Apple shrugged. "So, why did you guys come over anyway?" Marshmellow asked. "We came looking for fan, do you know where he is?" Microphone wondered. "They're upstairs asleep im pretty sure. " Marshmellow shrugged. "Might as well stay a while, looks like the winds picking up too." 

Taco sat alone on the couch watching the old tv. It was 4:00 am and most people had gone to get a few more hours of sleep, but not taco. She couldn't sleep with the fact that she would have to tell fan what she did. 

She trembled. Did the room just get colder? The tv became static and there was a voice coming from the vents that echoed. "W-who is that?" She stammered, trying to hide her fear. A pink shadow appeared "HEYYYY" bow shouted. Taco screamed. Bow laughed. "HAHA! you should have seen the look on your face!" She giggled. "B-bow? Is it- no it cant be you died." Taco  Bow shrugged "yeah, and then I became a ghost." She explained "but anyway what are you doing here at 4 in the morning?" Taco looked at her as she came next to her. "Well, I kinda.... kidnapped fan" she began, "and im probably gonna have to talk to him about it soon and i feel guilty for what i did its just-" taco paused. "Look," bow sighed, "ive been in a similar situation, its hard to tell people you did something wrong. so my advice is, be honest with him, and yourself." "Yeah, I'll do that." There was a silence as taco thought about it. 

But then fan walked in.


IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG this was gonna be one long chapter but i decided i needed to update this asap. Also ive been running low on inspiration for this so yea. ANYWAY SO SORRY


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