Chapter 2: The Men In My Life

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"Escape the Ordinary"


Enticed by the fantasy world I was dragged into, my imagination picturing and painting the character and their emotions. I was deeply captivated by the novel I was reading, a quiet moment to myself. I lifted my gaze from the page I was reading, at the sound of the bedroom door opening.

My dear cousin, Rose welcomed herself inside. Her eyes landing on me and giving me a gravely look as she realised I had been reading.
"I imagined you would be sight seeing the view from the cruise in stead you are here painting your fantasy from a boring book." She made her distaste towards books known, Rose was someone who preferred social life, out going, adventurous and a huge flirt something we did not have in common.

"I must disagree with you on the part that Journey to the stars is boring, a novel about a women aspiring to become an astronaut in a century where women have no right to go and be able to stand on their own. It's quiet amazing to be fair." I spoke, closing my book and placing it on the night stand beside the bed I was sleeping on.

"My dear cousin, we are on a cruise. Come out and enjoy the view, spend time with Connor. He is the guy who your parents chose for you after all." I sighed at the mention of Connor Mornings, a man I had been told to court for a few weeks. Though, I was not engaged to him and do not plan to any time soon.

"Like I have not already had enough from the men in my life, they want to through another man on me to suffer." I expressed my dislike towards my father, someone who I had not seen in the pass two years. But he never failed to show his control over my life even after I moved out.

"Now, cousin. Uncle is not a horrible man, he's just going through a tough moment." Rose defended my father, I mentally rolled my eyes but did not say anything. Father had drowned himself in dept from the amount of money had had taken on loan when his business was reaching the stars but after my elder sister's death he seemed to have changed for the worst and his business began to fall to the ground.

"I do not want to converse on my father, let's go out and see what else Connor has yet to say." I said to which Rose nodded her head, I followed her out and made our way to the balcony of the cruise. It was a beautiful sight to see, the sunny weather, the crashing waves and the screaming sea eagles making their presence known.

"Kelsey, it's a pleasure I must say to see you outside of your room." I turned around to see Connor, he was quit eye catching with his curly brown hair which he had permed hiding his natural straight hair, his almond dark brown eyes which stared at me and his egg shaped face.

But he was not someone that could make my heart skip a beat, bring butterflies into my stomach, make my words get stuck in my throat. He was just....Connor.

"Connor, I'm pretty sure I just saw you at breakfast." He let out an embarrassed laugh at what I had just said, nodding his head.
"Of course, what I meant to say was it's nice to have your presence more often." I nodded my head at his words, giving him a small smile already wanting to end this conversation already.

"I shall take my leave, Courtney must be waiting for me at the pool." Rose said leaving before I could protest, i fidgeted awkwardly being left alone with Connor who looked rather happy having an moment with me alone.

"Can we go to a moment quiet area, I have something important to say." Connor spoke, I looked around the area we were at, there were a few people lingering around and appreciating the view in front of them. I liked the fact their were people around.

"Erm, is there a problem. I think I quiet like it here." I said trying to change the conversation, but Connor seemed adamant to be alone.
"Of course it's a beautiful sight to see, not everyday we cruise on a ship. But I have something rather very important to say, it will not take long." I sighed nodding my head at him, he lead us to the upper deck, there was no one around and we stopped beside the rails.

"So what is it that you have to say?" I asked, looking around already wanting to escape.
"Our families have been good friends for a long time, quiet a while if I must say-" I narrowed my eyes at his words.
"I am aware of our families friendship Connor." I said and he chuckled nodding his head whilst rubbing his hands together.

"Right. What I mean to say is, it has been amazing to get to know you. You are extremely beautiful, and I would like to ask.." he paused for a moment putting his hands inside his blazer and pulling out a small box before getting on his knees. My eyes widened at this, my throat becoming dry at the realisation of what he was doing.

"Will you marry me?" I could already feel my eyes about to pop out of my eyes, I opened and shut my mouth as I stood frozen in my place staring at him.
"W-What. I-I mean, we hardly know each other." I begin to stutter, lost of words.

"I understand, but we have all our lives to get to know each other. I believe it is you that will make the perfect match for me." I could feel everything inside of me screaming to run. But to where, I was trapped in a cruise with him.
"N-No. I mean No. I can't not marry you Connor." I blurted out, he stood up looking upset and embarrassed.

I decide it was best to walk away, I turn to leave when I feel his fingers wrap around my arms pulling me back to where I had stood previously, I looked at him and I could see his jaws clenched and his eyes holding anger.

"Do I not deserve to know why?" He gritted out angrily, I had never seen this side of Connor he was always gentle and kind but at this very moment he was anything but gentle and kind.
"Let me go, Connor." I struggled to escape his hard grip. He got ahold of both my arms pinning me to the rails of the ship.

"I would like an explanation." He gritted out angrily, whilst I continued to struggle.
"I do not love you, I have only known you for the past two week. I can never marry you." I yelled. He scoffed as he let go, it was that moment I realised it was his hold that had me balanced the moment he let go I screamed falling back wards off the rails.

"Shit." I heard him yell, before my whole body slammed into the waves of the ocean. I struggled to swim with the waves crashing together. Was this it, I was going to die because of a crazy man who could not take a no for an answer.

I could feel my head becoming light headed, the reflection of the sun fading the lower I went inside of the ocean. I opened my mouth to scream for help but I could not, I felt my eyes closing as everything around me turned black.

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