Chapter 8: Unfulfilled Promises

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"All I have is now"


I sighed staring at the paintings and pictures which hung proudly on the walls, paintings of which held memories. My fingers traced the outside. My fingers slipped when I reached the edge letting my arms fall to my side.

I snapped my head to the side when I heard the door twist open, I stared at the maid who held a mop in her hand standing paralysed after seeing me here.

"I thought I made myself clear that no one is supposed to come into this side of the wing." My voice was deep and cold, my palms fisted in to a ball feeling agitated by the disturbance of my thoughts.
"My apologies Mr De Luca." I heard the maid whisper, I turned to face her. Her head was lowered staring at her own feet, my jaws clenched in anger.

"GET OUT." I screamed watching her jump in fright, before she turned grabbing the supplies in her hand and rushing away leaving me alone in my despair. I walked towards the window staring out into the open, the promises and wishes which were now words which can never come true or be fulfilled.

I damned that night which made my life miserable, the night everything about me changed. Leaving me cold and alone. With a mission to accomplish my revenge, to deal with everyone who ruined my happiness.

I walked towards the door of the room, closing it behind me as I took each step away from my memories.
"Son, you have to leave the past behind." I froze hearing my mothers voice, my eyes raised to see her standing not far away from me. She was dressed in a dark blue knee length dress, her brown hair was tied into a pony tail whilst her eyes held concern.

I glared at her, I walked pass her ignoring her words and presence as I made my way down the stairs.
"How long will you do this?" She called from behind stopping me on my tracks, I turned to face her.
"Till the day I die, stop this nonsense this facade of care. We both know you do not love me, there is no one here to witness you." I spoke harshly, I watched her flinch from my words but I could care less.

"I do care, it's been four years now. You are barely home." I scoffed at her, it had been so long. Time had flew, it seemed impossible just four years ago I had everything at my palms now everyone I loved was gone.
"I do not want to continue this conversation." I spoke harshly, she gasped at my tone when a silent tear escaped her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.

"Living in the past will never allow you to move on, it's been four years and your still stuck there. You will only hurt yourself, my son." I grabbed the nearest vase smashing it to the ground at her words, I sent her a final glare before turning and walking out of the door. I snatched the key from my driver and opened the drivers door getting inside.

I snapped my attention to the buzzing of my phone, staring at the name which was on display. I remained unmoving as it rang, before my hands reached for my phone and accepting the call.

I closed my eyes controlling my anger before replacing it with a smirk as I brought my phone to my ears, I could hear her breathing from the other side of the phone.
"I thought you'd never call." I spoke after not hearing anything from her, their was a pause which only widened my smirk.

"Damien De Luca." I heard her raspy voice whisper, I felt my pants tighten at her voice making the memories of the night a month ago revisit. I leaned my head back on my seat.

"The one and only. Miss me already." I answered, my smirk still remaining on my face as I heard her gulp. I enjoyed getting her nervous, it excited me.

"Can we meet up." I froze hearing her words, she wanted to meet up. It made me curious to know why, I combed my fingers through my head before I realised I had not answered her.

"I can meet you in the next thirty minutes, should I book a hotel." I said to make her nervous, and from the silence I could tell I had succeeded in achieving the reaction I wanted from her. 

"No need for a hotel, what happened in the past will never repeat again. See you in thirty minutes. I'll text you where to meet." She said confidently before disconnecting the phone, I stared at my phone screen still hearing her words. She sounded so confident not to repeat what had happened a month ago, her body was addictive. I could still smell her Devine vanilla scent with a bit of citrus. The taste of her mouth whilst I devoured her.

I closed my eyes calming myself, when I felt my phone buzz. It was a text from Kelsey with the address of the cafe she wanted to meet at. Roaring my car to live, I drove out of the black double gates. Passing the traffic of the streets of Italy. The warm hair which hit meet as I drove in full speed with my window rolled down.

I reached there a little later than thirty minutes, I parked my car and got out of the car. 'The cup' was what I read as I stood in front of the cafe, I straightened my blazer and unbuttoned it as I opened the doors and welcomed myself inside. I looked around until my eyes settled on the ginger haired women, sitting in the car end tapping her fingers on the table in front of her.

I made my way towards her, i took in her appearance the beauty she held was mesmerising. She was indeed a eye catch.

"Missed me." I said as I took the seat in front of her. She looked up meeting my eyes, as I stared into her sky blue eyes which held many secrets and many memories.

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