Chapter 4: Little Mouse

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"Your an Angel in Disguise."


I stared at the bowl of soup in front of me, as Daisy fed me. I had yet to gain my energy back, I felt weak and I hated it. She wiped the corner of my lips with a napkin, before grabbing a spoon of the soup and bringing it to my lips as I parted it and swallowed the soup.

"Who is Mr De Luca?" I asked curiously, staring at Daisy who gave me a small smile but stiffened at the mention of Mr De Luca.

"He is a very powerful man, one of the richest man of Italy. I do not know much about him, as I have just started working here two days ago but I can tell you that he is the last person you would want to cross path with." With every word which escaped her mouth only made me more curious to who this man was. If he was such a monster like Doctor Wesley had claimed, why had he saved me?

"I would like to judge a person on my own basis, rumours are something that spreads like a spitfire." I spoke, remembering Katherine. A frown settled on my lips, no one spoke about her and she was a memory I did not want to revisit, it came with bad memories.
"Did you fall into the water?" She asked curiously, I snapped my attention towards her my anger fuelling at the memory of Connor. Had he even told anyone to come rescue me?

"I lost balance, a bad memory." I half lied, I did not want to tell a stranger my life story. I did not know who she was, she may seem nice but she was still unknown to me.
"Don't we all hold a bad memory." She spoke making me wonder if she had experienced something that was horrible, if she had been through hell.

I snapped my head towards the closed door as we heard a knock, Daisy got off the bed and walked towards the door before opening it. I could not see who was there as her body covered who ever stood behind the door frame. But I could see his dark brown hair and muscular arms.

"She is fine now Mr De Luca, she just needs to gather her energy. She should be able to walk and do everything like she did before by tomorrow." I heard Daisy, at the mention of the man's name I arched my eyebrows wanting to know who this man was and give a picture to his mysterious name.

I grabbed on to the night stand beside me, with the little strength I had inside of me I stood up. My legs felt jelly, but I ignored it and took a step forward only to drop to my knees on the ground.

"Ouch." I groaned in pain, I heard footstep before I felt arms wrap around my legs and waist lifting me off the ground, I turned my head and froze as I recognised the man before me. His forest green eyes stared into my grey eyes, as I took in his features. He looked the same as he did a month ago when he was ravishing me in the hotel room a day before I stole fifty bucks from him to get home.

He laid me down on the bed, as he looked at me with a smirk on his face. His eyes showed his amusement probably from the shocked face I had on my face.
"And we meet again, Little mouse." I frowned at the nickname he had given me, I sent him a glare which did not faze him only seemed to make his smirk widen.

"I am not a little mouse, I have a name?" I spat back at him, he stared at me as if I had just said the funniest joke.
"And what May that be?" He asked, he stared at me curiously as if wanting to know my name.

"Where am I?" I asked, changing the subject I still did not know him no matter even if I had shared a bed with him. I had never expected to see him again, but I guess life had other plans.
"In my house, Little mouse." I was beginning to grow angry at the new nickname he had given me, I just wanted to grab something and slap that smirk from his face.

"I am well aware I am in your house, Mr De Luca." I spoke sarcastically, he leaned forward making my throat dry, his fingers touched my cheeks sending butterflies into my stomach as he tucked a fallen strand of hair behind my ears.
"I like it when you call me that." I gulped, feeling as if something was stuck in my throat. I could feel all the hair on my body stand up and I was beginning to hate having this feeling because of him.

"I would like to go home." I stated, he arched his eyebrows at me before standing up straight his tall frame made me feel small. He was around six foot, and comparing that to my five foot four inch frame made me look like a little insect.

"The door is open, you can leave when ever." He said before turning around and making his way to the bedroom door before stopping and tilting his face so I could see the side of his face.
"This time let me know when you want to leave, don't need to steal a few bucks to get home." With that said he walked away, I could feel my cheeks heat up. He knew I had stolen from him. If embarrassment was what he wanted to make me feel than he definitely succeeded in achieving that.

"You know Mr De Luca?" Daisy asked making me aware that she was still in the room, I turned to look at her with a frown on my lips.
"Not the way you think." Was all I said as she nodded her head, ending the subject. I hated how his presence made me feel, his touch sent spark to my core and made me feel butterflies into my stomach.
"Not the way you think." I repeated but more to my self.

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