Chapter 24: The East Wing

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"My heart was empty until you came along"


The warm breeze of the Italy weather attacked me the moment I had gotten off the plane, Damien's arms were placed on my waist whilst the guards pushed off the paparazzi's. I felt secure in his arms, as he guided me to the black Mercedes' opening the back door and helping me get inside before he followed from the opposite side door.

"Master De Luca, Madame McGuire are you both alright?" The driver asked as he got inside the car. I gave him a warm, friendly smile.
"We are fine, thank you for asking." I said and the driver nodded his head before looking forward and starting the car. We began to drive down the narrowed airport roads before exiting into the main road.

The car came to a sudden stop near a skyscraper building, I narrowed my eyes when I heard the door open to my left.
"Are we going somewhere?" I asked ready to open my door when Damien placed his arms on my shoulder stopping me.

"Only I am getting off here, I have some important work which I need to take care of. I meet you at home, my mother will be there and my sister. I should not be that long." I nodded my head at his words, not really wanting him to leave he caressed my cheeks before getting out of the car. I watched his figure as the car began to move, I continued to watch until I could no longer see him.

The drive to his house did not take long, soon we were in front of the black metal double gates which opened wide allowing us entrance before shutting behind us. A guard approached opening my door allowing me to step out. I gave him a small greeting which he responded back with a nod.

"Oh dear god, I am so happy to see you." Damien's mother said rushing down the steps of the mansion and attacking me into a tight yet warm hug, I returned her hug as a smile formed on my lips.
"Ms Penelope, it's a pleasure to meet you properly." I said as we parted she still held the smile on her face as she looked at me in adoration.

"Call me Penelope, I am glad too. Come inside." She said before instructing the guards to take out the luggage from the car and bring it inside, she led me inside the mansion and I was able to properly look around. Indeed this place was beautiful. The wall interior look expensive with cream wall paper and the furniture screamed money. Everything looked perfect.

"You have a lovely home, Penelope." I said smiling, she gave me an appreciative smile.
"The last time I was able to renovate this house was going four years ago, I have changed a thing ever since." She said, make heart skipped a beat at the mention of when she last renovated this place.
"Why is that if I may ask?" I said wanting to know more, she seemed to be in thoughts before nodding her head.

"Everything fell apart four years ago, I'm sure Damien must have told you. But my relationship with him has never been the same, he's rarely home and busied himself into work." She frowned as if reliving each moment, I wanted to say that Damien had not told me anything but I did not want to expose our fake arrange to her.

"It must have been hard for you." I said as we settled down beside each other, she gave me a small smile her eyes filled with tears making me want to stop this conversation.

"I've lost the son who loved me dearly, he's disappeared inside this hard cold man he has become. Losing the love of his life and his father was not easy." I felt as if my breathe had gotten stuck on my throat, my nails dug into the sofa. This does not clarify that he had a relationship with Katherine, Kelsey. I reminded my eyes.

The moment where I wanted to ask more my stomach growled making my cheeks turn red in embarrassment.
"Oh God, you must be hungry. How rude of me, come I'll make the maids serve you food." She said to which I nodded my head smiling as I followed her to the dining hall, she instructed the maids to bring out food as we settled down.

The food smelled Devine, turkey with baked potatoes and many other things which filled the whole table, I grabbed a piece of turkey and potatoes with a glass of wine as I dug in instantly.

"This is amazing." I said appreciating the food, it was indeed mouth watering I could taste the flavour as it hit my tongue and melt into wonders.
"Ms De Luca has prepared each dish." The maid said making my eyes widen as I turn to look at Penelope who's cheeks had tinted red.

"Wow, this is amazing. Your hands are magic." I said appreciating the food and the one who cooked. She chuckled and appreciated my compliment. When I had devoured the food I wiped my lips with the napkin.
"You must be tired, Susan. Show her to her room. Tour her around as you pass everything." Penelope said to which the maid instantly nodded her head, more maids came to clear the table as I followed Susan up the stairs.

"This is the west wing, the conference halls of important businesses are held here. If you go further down, there is a door to the balcony which give you the view of the back yard and everything beyond it." I nodded and listened well as she toured me around.
"How long have you been working here?" I asked taking the maid by surprised she gave me a smile before answering.

"A long time, since Master De Luca was a young child. I use to change his diapers." I was surprised this women had worked here for so long, she continued to walk ahead showing me the theatre room, guest rooms, Damien's mother and sisters wing. I narrowed my eyes as we passed a hall but she did not say anything regarding it.

"What hall is that?" I asked curiously, she shifted uncomfortably before speaking.
"It's the east wing, no one is allowed to enter its Master De Luca's person room. Not his mother, sister or anyone can go inside without his permission." It intrigued me to know what was inside, but I remained silent and continued to follow her until she stopped at a door.

"This is yours and Master De Luca's Room."

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