Chapter 29: Noone Is Perfect

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"Gone from our sight, but never from our heart"


I stood in front of the grave stone I had not visited from the day she had been buried, the guilt inside of me had been killing me that I could not stop her from killing herself. A silent tear rolled down my cheeks, as i crouched down and placed a Bouquet of white flowers on her grave, it was her favourite flower.

"I do not know if you want to hear this but Mabel has finally found her father, I want to hate you for the decision you made but I can not." I spoke in hopes that she could hear me from six feet under the ground, it had been four years and it felt as if this was my closure.

"I never was a great father to her, always strict on my disciples. I thought if I made the decision I was protecting her, I never realised I had suffocated her." I turned my head frozen as I heard fathers voice, he stood with a Bouquet of white flowers laying it beside mine.

"No one is perfect." I whispered, as I continued to look at the grave with her name written on it.
"Your right, but I did not play fair to any of you. I could never accept her daughter, with the guilt I had killed her. Staring at the baby reminded me of what I had lost." I was stunned to hear my fathers confession, never did I think he would never open up. He had become a shell over the pass four years, we lost the bond we had once.

"Life is never fair, I never expected to rush to England to stay away from the constant hatred you had towards her. I never expected to raise a baby at such young age. But life happens, and we can never change it." I spoke honestly, as I turned my head to look at him. He nodded his head as a tear rolled down his cheeks.

"I have failed you both." He said in a teary voice, I did not correct him but what he said was right. I needed my father at that moment, but instead I was alone cooped up in my own guilt raising a child.
"You failed no one but yourself." I spoke honestly, I grabbed the flower pot and spreading the water across her grave. Watering the flowers that had grown.

"You are not wrong, I do not expect your apology. Kelsey, I have wronged you. But I have always loved you." He said making me let out a sob, I had waited four years for him to say he loved me, I had felt so lonely alone and so young.

"I tried to be fair between you both, but I failed. As an individual, as a father and as a parent. But you were always my little Angel, and it made me feel guilty after Katherine passed away. I should have been there for her." Another loud sob escaped my parted lips at his words, I rushed into his arms as he held on to me tightly whilst we sobbed together at our failure.

"Why don't we start from before everything went south, give our relationship another chance father." I said as we pulled away, no matter how much anger I had held for my father I just realised that he was in the same guilt as I was. We were both battling our guilt, I ran away from my problems where as he turned into a shell.

"I would love that, if I can have a chance to make things right between us I would take it." Father said and I wrapped my arms around him, snuggling my head into his chest. I had missed being in my fathers arms, being the young child who was her daddy's little princess.

"I would love that too." I said smiling, we bid our goodbyes to Katherine before turning around and making our way out of the cemetery, father held open the door to his car when suddenly gun shots were heard. Father grunted when one bullet hit his arms, we both crouched down.

"Oh my god, father." I said removing the scarf from my head I pressed it into his arms. I screamed as I was dragged out of my hiding spot my a hand fisting my hair. A sob escaped my lips as I attempted to remove the grip from my hair.

"Leave my daughter alone." Father yelled rushing in front of us, who ever it was pushed my father back I watched in total shock as my fathers head hit the brick of the fence before he fell unconscious.
"Father, let me go." I screamed, instead I was thrown into a van, before I could react the door of the van was closed shut. My hands slammed on the door but to my dismay no one listened.

Was I going to die.

"Let me out, please. I have done nothing." I yelled out loud, I froze hearing the van roar to life, and begin to move. I rushed to the small window which allowed me to look outside, I could see my fathers unconscious body as he laid beside the brick fence.

"Father. FATHER." I screamed, continuing to slam on the window of the van but it all went to vain, I sobbed as I fell to my knees. My palms cupping my face, who were these people. Why were they trying to kidnap me. Where they the same guy who attacked me in London?

So many questions ran through my head but I had answers to none.

"LET ME OUT. LET ME OUT." I continued to scream, suddenly the van came to a stop and the door to the van opened I screamed as the familiar mask that had attacked me was worn by the person in front of me. He got inside with s needle in his hands, I struggled to get away from him as he injected it inside of me.

"Know you will remain silence." Was all I heard before everything around me went black.

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