Chapter 22: Potential Ex Lovers

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"Live what you love"


I stared intently at the white sheet of paper in front of me laying flat on the dining table at the canteen of my campus, Ariel beside me silent in her own thoughts.

"Can it be for Damien?" Ariel asked making me snap my head at her, I had never heard of Damien ever being in a relationship which made it harder to believe that the letter could ever be for Damien.

"Even if it was, who is she? Where is she?" I questioned, I was dazed in wonder with series of question flooding my head which was frustrating as I did not know the answer to any of them.
"She seemed very depressed." Ariel said making my mind drift to the final time I had met Katherine, this person reminded me so much of her.

"S-She said the same words as Katherine, I don't want to live anymore." My eyes welled up at the memory, Ariel wrapped her arms around me consoling me. Katherine the one person who I did not talk about for the past four years, who's memory haunt me. The guilt inside of me that never disappears.

"It is not your fault what happened four years ago, stop blaming yourself." Ariel said making me shake my head with a frown on her face. I turned to face her as a silent tear rolled down my cheeks.

"How can I not, she's dead because of me." I whispered but Ariel shook her head at me, I knew her words were to comfort me but she was not there four years ago. I stood up apologising to Ariel before walking away, ignoring her constant calls for me to stop but I needed to get away.

I thought I had left my past behind, four years ago, but everything around me brought me back to that very day which I regret very much. The reminder of what ruined my family, what changed mine and my fathers relationship. It had taken me two years to escape Italy in hopes to leave behind everything, but it some how always found a way to find its way back to me.

The bell in the hallways ran bringing me out of my daze, I snapped my head towards the big clock in the ceiling. I sighed walking down the hall and into my classroom, I pulled out my pencil and my note pad. Beginning my task that was written on the board. Grabbing my ruler I drew a straight line finishing my project for architecture, my dream fashion business.

My phone buzzed making me pullout my phone which I had found buried in my unwashed clothes from the day of the incident, I read Ariel's name making me open the message. She had a free period at the moment, so I wondered why she was messaging me now instead busying herself in one of her fiction books.

'I have found something come to the library after lesson.' I frowned wondering what it was that she could not tell me over the text and needed me to come to the library, I turned my eyes to clock and realised there was only another ten minutes left till my lecture finished.

"Can you help me with this, I can not seem to calculate correctly for the foundation of my dream coffee shop." I snapped my attention to the student beside me, she was a very silent girl wore dark black glasses and looked incredibly gothic. But she had always seemed sweet. I returned her smile helping her calculate to find the correct calculation for her foundation, and by the time the bell rang she had completed her foundation.

"Thank you, Kelsey. I understood you better than Mr Charming had explained it." I chuckled nodding my head, but in the back of my head I just wanted to leave and head to the library. Wanting to discover what Ariel had found. I waved goodbye to Ariel but turning the opposite way of the exit and making my way up to the second floor where the library was.

The big board 'please keep silent' was the first thing I saw as I entered the double doors, I gave the librarian a quick small smile before looking around. I frowned as I could not see her, I walked towards the stairs into the upper floor and sighed in relief as I saw Ariel engrossed in something.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked, settling down beside her. She looked up looking gravely making my smile turn into a frown. I knew instantly what ever she was about to tell me I was not going to like it.
"Look, I know it's none of my business but I had to get rid of the annoying thoughts on the back of my head." I narrowed my eyes confused to what she was trying to say. She grabbed her water bottle gulp it down some water before bringing out the letter I had found under the bed and which I assumed left in the cafeteria.

"Just blurt it out Ariel." I sighed annoyed, she raised her arms in surrender but nodded her head.
"I am not a hundred percent sure but, I believe the person who wrote this letter is...Katherine McGuire." I felt as if the air in my lungs were gone, I could not breathe or even feel anything as I stared at Ariel silently. My eyes darted down to the line which had been troubling me all day.

"Have you gone crazy, that's impossible. Katherine has never come to England." I stated, I did not want to believe that there was possibility that the letter was written by Katherine.
"Katherine has never come to England, but Damien is originally from Italy." I froze, unable to form words at Ariel's words, I did not want to admit it that she was correct. That Damien and Katherine could have potentially been in a relationship.

"But Damien has been in London mostly, well I assume. The first time I met him was in London." I said remember the passion filled night I had shared with Damien, only to steal some money from him the next day. If I was not in this position I would have laughed at that memory.

"I did some digging, with the use of having a father as a cop. Damien moved to England two years ago from Italy, around the same time you moved to London." She explained, moving her iPad towards me showing me the data she had found about Damien.

"If Damien was in a relationship with Katherine, why has he not mentioned it?" I asked curiously, I wondered why this big information was kept hidden from me. Was Damien hiding something from me?

"There's only one way to find out." She said making me turn my attention towards her, I understood what she meant if I wanted to find out everything then I had to go back to where it started.

"I have to go back to Italy."

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