Chapter 9: His Conditions

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"Call my name."


I sat in front of Damien, my fingers fidgeting with my throat dry making me unable to utter a word. He silently waited staring at me curiously, perhaps wondering why I had called him. Wondering when he was suddenly called out here without an explanation.

"Why are we here?" He asked making me snap my eyes up from my hands and look into his soulless grey eyes, his eyes held curiosity and questions. I opened my mouth only to close it again.

I cleared my throat, straightening my posture as I gave him a small smile.

"Would you like something to drink, coffee perhaps?" I asked waving my hand at the passing waiter who stopped and turned in front of us with a warm and friendly smile.
"How can I help you?" The waiter asked, his note pad in his hands whilst the other hand held a black ink pen, patiently awaiting for our order.

"Can I have a hot chocolate, whip cream with some chocolate dust please. Damien would you like anything?" I turned and asked Damien who sat still for a moment observing me before turning to look at the now frightened waiter who seemed to be shaking after I had said his name.

"I would like a cappuccino." Was all Damien said before looking back at me.
"Yes, Mr De Luca. I will bring it right away." The waiter said before hurrying away, I narrowed my eyes at the sudden change of mood from the waiter who seemed to look as if he had just wet himself after meeting Damien.

Who was Damien De Luca?

"Will you cut this silent crap Kelsey? Why did you call me to meet up?" He asked with his eyebrows arched, I cleared my throat turning my body so I was now facing him whilst looking into his eyes.
"Look, I-I need a favour." I spoke, this made Damien arch both his eyebrows as if he was surprised to hear me ask for a favour. He leaned forward with his hands resting on the table.

"If you need a good lay, little mouse you just had to ask." He said whilst a smirk appeared on his face making me roll my eyes this made him let out a small chuckle.

"Your drinks, hot chocolate with whip cream and chocolate dust for you Madame. One large cappuccino for you Mr De Luca." The waiter placed our drinks before us before quickly walking away, it made me wonder what power he held around these people. I remember Doctor Wesley calling him a monster and now this waiter seemed frightened as hell.

"Let's get back to the favour you were going to ask?" Damien spoke whilst adding sugar into his cappuccino and stirring it with a teaspoon. He looked up into my eyes once he placed the spoon down.
"My father wants me to get married." I spoke after a minute of silence, I watched a frown appear on Damien's lips as he looked at me digesting the news I had just told him.

"Well isn't that sad, here I was hoping to get you underneath me. Congratulations Little mouse." He muttered though the frown remained on his lips, he picked up his cup taking a sip from it.
"I-I don't want to get married." I finally spoke up, catching the attention of Damien who seemed confused as to why I was telling him all of this.

"Why are you telling me all of this, little mouse? Is this where you confess you undying love for me." He asked with a smirk on his face, I bit the inside of my mouth stopping me from saying something that would ruin my chance at what I was going to ask him.

"I need you to be my fiancé." My eyes widened the moment the words slipped out of my mouth Damien stood up ready to leave as if I had just spat out a disease, I quickly stood up grabbing ahold of his wrist.
"Please sit down. Hear me out." I pleaded, he seemed to be in thoughts before ever so slowly sitting down in front of me. He placed his palms on the table as he leaned forward.

"What stupid game is this, little mouse. I will not be meddling in your game to come out of an unwanted marriage alliance." He whispered annoyed, I sighed closing my eyes before reopening them.
"Just for the next six months, I will be twenty two and finally be able to get ahold of my grandfathers inheritance. Then we part as if this never happened." I spoke in hopes he would agree, he seems to be processing my words.

"So Miss Kelsey McGuire you want me to be your fake fiancé?" He asked and I slowly nodded my head at him.
"Just for the next six months." I said with hopeful eyes as I looked at him waiting for him to say something.
"What's in it for me?" He asked curiously, as he pulled out his phone finding it more interesting than what I was saying.

"I will hand over my shares in my fathers company to you." I spoke, he snapped his attention from his phone to look at me.
"Your fathers business is drowning what benefit will it provide me?" He asked now his attention was on me and I needed to think quick of another reason to make him agree.

"Your rivals with my father, being my fiancé will be a stab to his heart. It will be a win win, I will get out of this unwanted alliance and you get the chance to get on my fathers nerves." I answered, he seemed to be in thoughts possibly considering what I had just said to him, I bit my bottom lips as I waited for a response.

"I don't know-"

"You know what this was all a mistake, I should have never asked." I sighed grabbing my wallet throwing a few euros on the table before grabbing my bag and walking out of the cafe. I closed my eyes letting the cold wind hit my face.

"I never said no." I reopened my eyes hearing his voice, I turned around to his him towering over me. His intense gaze piercing into my own.
"So it's a yes?" I asked with my eyebrows narrowed in confusion.
"I have a few conditions." He said making me mentally roll my eyes, of course Damien De Luca would have conditions.

"Go on." I urged him to continue, he shoved his hands inside his trouser pocket before leaning on the wall beside the cafe door.
"No one but us knows that this is fake." He sounded serious and I nodded my head at him.
"Agreed." I said which made him nod his head.

"You come to live with me." My eyes widened at this condition of his, faking him being my fiancé was one thing but living with him was alone. Especially when I knew how my body reacted to being near him.
"What? No." I blurted out making Damien stand up with his eyebrows arched.

"Then I should see myself out." He said about to walk pass me making me sigh before grabbing ahold of his wrist as I turned to face him.
"Fine." I gritted out, hating how I had hoped I would be able to have control over this but at this point it seems Damien is getting his way with my problem.

"And the last condition, kiss me." My eyes widened hearing his last condition, my mouth watering as my lips suddenly felt dry making me lick my lips. His eyes followed my tongue making me gulp, he leaned forward placing his palms on my cheeks stroking me, I closed my eyes when I felt his lips touch mine.

My fingers dug into his hair as I opened my mouth allowing his tongue to slide inside, a low moan escaped from me when I felt his hands wrap around my waist pulling me until my front was pressed against his.

After what seemed a while we pulled away breathing hard, our foreheads touching each other.

"This was a one time thing." I whispered before pulling away, a smirk on his lips as he looked at me before licking his lips.
"If you say so." He said with a wink before walking away leaving me to look at his back as he opened the door to his black Tesla, before getting inside. He rolled the windows down until he made eye contact with me.

Fuck me.

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