Chapter 10: The Cost For Your Daughter

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"I now know why love is called blind"


My stomach churned as I kept my gaze down playing with the huge diamond which sat on my ring finger, the ring was beautiful but seemed rather pricy for a fake proposal to show to my parents. When the car came to a halt in front of my parents house, I could feel all the hair in my body stand up.

"Ready to show your acting skills, fiancé." I sent him a glare before throwing my door open and stepping out before closing it behind me.
"Stick to how we planned." I gritted at him, but all he did was smirk at me whilst placing his hands around my waist and pulling me closer as we walked up. The doors opened even before we knocked by the servants, they lowered their gaze as we handed them our jackets.

"I can hear your heart beat from here, little mouse." I turned my head towards him only to find him staring back at me, I froze for a moment feeling my breath get stuck in my throat. Hearing a throat clear I jumped out of the arms of Damien before turning to find my parents standing before us. Father looked angry, I could see him bursting if Damien was not here. But his reputation mattered, and it looked like he knew better to explode in front of Damien.

"What on earth is going on here?" Father questioned his glare settling on Damien who looked unbothered, his hands tucked inside his trousers as he stared back at my father as if his glare did not affect him. From the little research I had done on my fake fiancé I knew he was extremely successful and rich, he was also nominated to be the sexiest bachelor of the year for two years straight.

"I'm welcoming your soon to be son in law to our house." I spoke, I could see the look of surprise that crossed there eyes as they looked between us. Damien had decided that this would be the perfect time to intertwine our fingers together.

"Is this some kind of joke." Father spoke as he laughed pointing a finger at the two of us, a frown replaced my smile as I took in my fathers reaction who was certainly finding this moment extremely eventful and funny.
"Glad to know Mr McGuire that my relationship with your daughter is funny." Damien spoke which instantly made father stop laughing and give a deathly glare towards Damien.

"Is this because of our discussion regarding you marrying Connor Morning, this is utter bullshit." Father said in anger.
"Darling, please calm down. Let's take this to the living room, where we all can settle down and talk like adults." Mother spoke which everyone agreed to, following them to the living room everyone took a seat with me beside Damien and opposite us was mother and father.

Damien placed his arms around my neck placing with a strand of fallen hair.

"What ever is going on between you two end it, Mr Morning and my daughter will be married." Father said after a long pause of silence, I sat up hearing his words my anger fuelling but I remained silent when Damien placed his hands on my thighs which shockingly calmed a nerve inside of me.

"What is Derek Morning offering you that I can not." I snapped my head towards Damien who's eyes remained on my father, I silently hoped it was not leading to where I was thinking it was.
"Derek will loan us money to help us out of the problem we are facing at the moment, there is nothing more that can be said." Father answered Damien honestly, who hummed in response to my father.

"I will buy all your shares, and ask for no dowry in return just for your daughters hands in mine." I gasped hearing his words, this was going too far. This was not what we had planned and certainly not how I had thought it would go.
"That will cost you a lot, are you even capable of handling such shares." It was mother who spoke making our attention snap towards her.

"Mrs McGuire I must say you know very little of me, and what I am truly capable of. I love your daughter deeply, and if buying Mr McGuire's shares will help me be with Kelsey than so be it." I stared at Damien in astonishment, I tilted my head as I tried to understand the man beside me. If I did not know about our arrangement I would have blindly thought he was truly in love with me, but that did not change the fact he was willing to hand over money in exchange of me.

"Ohh darling, are you listening to this. All our problems will be solved, we do not need to carry more loans we can live a calm and happy life." Mother expressed her joy as she clapped her hands together, she stood up approaching me holding my hand as i stood up before she wrapped her arms around me.

"Very well, I will prepare a contract before hand. You must not be playing my daughter in your meddling games, I must warn you." Father glared as he stood up and Damien called shortly behind.
"How dare you say that, the only person who plays dirty games is you. Do not put your doings in my name." Damien spat back infuriating my father even more, I held back Damien before he would jump across the coffee table to lunge at my father.

"The engagement party will take place in a week." Was all father said before walking away, I was left dumbfounded hearing his words. A week. I had assumed I could drag this fake proposal a little longer, to keep it out of everyone's eyes but father seemed to think the opposite.
"Damien can I speak to you alone." I gritted out in a whisper, he turned to look at me before ever so slowly nodding his head. I turned around walking towards the stairs which lead to my room. I was boiling on the inside.

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