Chapter 3: Mr De Luca

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"We all have a sole purpose to why we are in this world"


I ran through the field, lost and confused about my whereabouts. I looked around the stormy weather, the grey clouds which covered the sky and the thunder which struck every few minutes.
The ground beneath me, was muddy and the white long dress I had worn was covered in mud, I tripped falling to the ground, I cried out in pain feeling my ankle twist.

A lone tear rolled down my eyes as I looked around the area, helpless and hopeless.
"Help." I screamed aloud in hopes someone would hear me, and come to my rescue but to my displeasure my hopes were in vain, my calls for help could not be heard.

Just when I thought I was in my doom, I heard an angelic yet familiar laughter coming from afar. I could not pin point who's voice it was but I knew I had heard it before, I snapped my head towards the sound of laughter only to see long blonde hair flying in the hair as the women ran across the field dressed in a beautiful red dress.

I forced myself to stand up, ignoring the pain as I tried to run with my limp leg toward the women.

"Stop," I yelled, in hopes the women would hear me. I watched as she stopped, and I slowed my pace when I knew I was not far away from her. The women's back was still facing me, which did not allow me to see who it was. I extended my hands as I placed it on her shoulder, I watched ever so slowly as the women before me turned my eyes widened as I recognised her.

"Kathrine." I let out, my hands instantly let go as I stepped back as if I had seen a ghost. She had a wide smile on her face as she looked at me.
"It's not your time." She said, smiling widely as another tear rolled down my eyes.
"Your dead." I whispered, as I took in her appearance. Her blond hair was half let down whilst half was braided to the back, her skin was pale with her beautiful wide open blue eyes and red lips, her heart shaped face which wore a beautiful smile.

"It's not your time." She repeated, I narrowed my eyes, when suddenly everything around me turned black and suddenly I was trapped inside what seemed a black box, my palms slammed on the box.

"Open it, I'm in here." I screamed frightened, I was sobbing as fisted my palms and continued to bang. I could hear a distant voice which at first I could not make out but as it grew closer I could hear it clearly...

"It's not your time." It kept saying only to grow louder the closer it got. I screamed palm my ears hearing the voice.


I jolted up, coughing hysterically. I began to puke out water, as I felt a hand rub my back whilst I sobbed and puked.
"Drink this." I did not bother to look at who's voice it was, I grabbed ahold of the glass of water and gulped it down my throat. I laid back against what seemed like an head board as I took in the dark room.

"I will call the doctor." I turned my head at the retreating figure of a man, his familiar deep Italian accept. I just could not pin who it was, another man appeared not long after the first man walked away, the man was middle aged wearing a white coat as he switched on the lights making me shut my eyes as it hurt my vision.

"How are you feeling miss?" He asked, I narrowed my eyes at the unknown man who appeared to be doctor but I was not sure.
"Who are you?" I asked, I knew I looked horrible and sickly with vomit covering me. But I was not going to let a stranger near me.

"I am doctor Wesley Greco, I am the family doctor of the De Luca family." He spoke, I narrowed my eyes at the unfamiliar name he had spoken. I had no idea how I ended up here or where I was.

"How am I here? Where am I?" I threw him on with many questions, he seems confused for a moment before he turns his body away from me towards a machine which was beeping near my bed.
"I do not need to answer any of your questions, I am just doing my job." I arched my eyebrows at him, his tone was blank and emotionless. It made me curious to where I was actually.

"Well then tell me who will answer my question?" I asked, he turned his head with an arched eyebrows.
"The monster himself." Was all he said before he turned and grabbed ahold of my wrist, taking off the needle which was on me.

A few minutes later a women walked in she wore a similar white coat to Doctor Wesley, she gave me a warm smile as she stared at me.

"Mr De Luca has instructed me to change you, you have puked all over your clothes." I mentally rolled my eyes as if I did not know that I looked sickly, but the mention of a De Luca had captured my attention.

I was supposed to be dead, I had fallen into the ocean. How was I alive? Where was I? Who had saved me? Where was Rose? Who were these people? So many questions were running through my head and I did not know who I could ask.

"Daisy, she's fine now. Needs a little rest, and a shower." Doctor Wesley said to who I assumed to be a nurse, she nodded her head before Doctor Wesley made his way out of the door shutting it behind him.

"Where am I?" I asked the nurse who's name I assumed was Daisy, her dark brown hair was tied into a pony, she had an almond shaped face with dark blue eyes. She gave me another warm smile.
"You were brought here by Mr De Luca, unconscious looking lifeless." I narrowed my eyes at the mention of this Mr De Luca, I did not know who they were talking about there was yet to put a picture of the name.

"Let's get you freshened up, you can ask everything else later." I nodded my head at her, as she helped me out of my bed as I nearly collapsed not able to walk or balance myself. When I was able to gain a little balance, with the help of Daisy I walked towards what I assumed was a bathroom.

I had to get out of here.

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