XI, dirty cops

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I slouched in the chair looking up at her through my hooded eyes. "Look I feel for you kid. I know since they never found your dad part of you thinks he might walk through that door someday." She began. the awkward your dads not coming back lecture, love that one.

"I don't blame you but both of y'all going on fandangoes ain't gonna bring him back he's been missing at sea for nine months. Your father's dead Andrea" She says bluntly.

"It's Andie" I corrected snappy, "and Listen, I get that your a cop and I respect that but if your gonna sit there and tell me that my dad's dead then you might as well save your breath." I spit out sitting up with crossed arms.

She stared at me intensely as if she was reading me, trying to see what I was thinking. She moved from her chair to the front of her desk. "You've been running around getting caught up in things that do not involve you and now you are in a heap of trouble" she preached.

"It's okay to be mad at me. I understand but the road you're going down is a lot like your boyfriend over there," she said nodding past me. My face morphed in confusion and I followed her eyes to see JJ arguing with a bald cop, I knew he was mad because a muscle in his jaw was twitching.

I bit my lips slightly. "He's not my boyfriend" I stated.

"Well. you should tell him that. he's asked about you more times than I can count." My frown dropped and was replaced with a soft smile, looking out the glass window. I could hear her behind me cleaning up her desks before she walked to the door. "You may leave." she told me, I stood up and waisted no time walking through the doorway.

My brother ruffled my hair. "Cut it out" I laughed hitting his hand away. I leaned into JJ when he slung his arm around me, pulling me by his side. I couldn't help but think about what the sherrif said, how blunt she was about my dad like he meant nothing, Just another Pogue.

"Cupcake." JJ called my name, "hmm?" I hummed drawling my attention to him. "What's wrong?"

What a loaded question.

He lead me outside of the police station as I thought about an answer. "Nothing," I chose to say instead, but his hands tightened around my shoulders giving me a squeeze. "Stop pretending your okay because I know your not." He whispered, making sure no one else heard.

I looked longly at him but got distracted by Kiaras dad who was standing angrily outside of his car with a scowl on his face. "What did I tell you about these damn Pogues!" My vison left JJs intense blue eyes listening to there conversation.

"It's not them dad okay!"

"Really? Because every time you hang around these dirty Pogues you get crazy!" He screamed making my eyes go wide.

I moved from JJs arm. "Ki, I love you but if he refers to my brother or anyone of these boys as dirty Pogues again we're gonna have a serous issue." I glared, boss or not I didn't play about my family.

"Please just go in the car." She sighed, her dad gave her a look then stomped off to the drivers side. She turned to me with a sympathetic look. "I'm so sorry." She apologized, "I've got to go. I'll see y'all tomorrow?"

I smiled warmly. "Sure." I waved as she got in the car walking back to the van exhausted.

  ❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

It was late and I couldn't sleep again, so I went to grab a glass of water. "Fuck!" I jumped back. "Jesus, JJ. You scared me. I thought you went home?" I groaned walking into the living room.

his lips overturned into a soft smile, "I was too tired," he shrug. "John B said I could crash." I nod slouching down next to him.

"Feel like we always catch each-other at night." I joked.

He hummed softly, a sparkle in his eyes. "Can't sleep?" He asks. I shook my head letting out a frustrated sigh, but he already knew that. "Nope. And I'm trying so hard too and I can't."

"Ya know. Some people call that's insom-aria"

I laughed, "do you mean insomnia?" He nodded with a smile on his lips. "Yea that."

I giggled shaking my head at his cluelessness. "Remember when you and John B got into the fight in the seventh grade?—" he abruptly asked, I thought back before breaking into a snicker knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"Yes!" I laughed. "We made you talk to each other for us" I recalled. JJ chuckled before saying, "yes it was the most annoying three weeks of my life."

"That's so crazy how time flys. We were just kids," I chuckled as the memory's started to flood my mind.

"Remember when we got suspended in the eighth grade for flooding the teachers bathroom?"

"How can I forget" He exclaimed remembering the details. "No one stoped talking about that till the next year" he exclaimed.

"Shh!" I chuckled, John B was still fast asleep in the other room.

"And that's because you did it a few months later"  i remarked, his laugh turned into a perfect smile. "No one caught me that time" he says proudly.

I laughed pushing his shoulder playfully, my eyes fell back in front of me and realized our conversation had made me tired.

"I should go back into my room. I'm sleepy" I told him slowly getting up from the couch but he caught my wrist.

"You could stay here?" He says. I scrunch my eyebrows.

"like on the couch?" I questioned.

He nodded, "you'll probably get a better sleep," he reasoned with sly smile.

"Is this a reason to sleep with me?"

"Possibly" he winked, I scoffed playfully slouching down on the couch. JJ grabbed a pillow laying it on his lap and ushered my head there. I was a little unsure, but kicked up my feet laying my body out, he grabbed the blanket from above us draping it over my cold body.

i was grateful for his kindness and as odd as it may have seemed to anyone else when my head hit the pillow, i found my eyes instantly closing to the rhythm of JJs breathing.


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