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"isn't this what friends are for?"______

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"isn't this what friends are for?"

Honey's morning has the roughest awakening ever. The alcohol she drank has her starting the day with a horrible headache. It feels as if she'd gotten her head knocked into another wall by Elias.

She can shuffling besides her as her eyes adjust to the brightness of the hotel room. "Why's it so fricking bright?"

Evie lets out a giggle beside Honey at the way the younger girl tries to censor herself. That giggle turns into a full on laugh when Honey tries to get out of the bed just to end up falling.

"Fuck." Honey can't censor her words once she topples over and lands on her ass. Dizziness got the best of her. What a great way to start her morning.

"Good morning, Honey bun." Evie says playfully, leaning over Honey's body from the safety of the bed, a bright smile on her face.

"Morning, now help me get up." Honey tells her, extending her hands out for Evie to grab. Like a child.

In a way she's still a child, by societal standards at least.

Evie's eyes flicker up and down at Honey for a few seconds as if she's really contemplating it before she makes her way off of the bed to stand in front of her friend. "Since you asked so nicely."

Honey gets pulled up so quickly she feels another wave of dizziness. It probably takes her a minute for Evie's frame to become clear.

"When'd your hair get so curly?" Honey has to ask after noticing Evie's drastic change. That blonde hair had been straight not even twenty four hours ago.

"So there's this thing called a shower and when you get in it–." Evie starts before Honey cuts her off with a hand over her mouth.

"Ok, I get it."

"Good," Evie removes the hand from her mouth with a delicate grip, "now go shower so we can go out."

"I can't exactly shower with nothing to put on afterwards." Honey states the obvious. Looking at Evie with a 'duh' expression on her face.

"You have clothes, Elias brought them over." Evie points towards a bag that rests on the floor next to the door. It's Honey's backpack that she hasn't touched in weeks. Not that it's of any importance to her now.

Dropouts don't have a use for anything school related, do they?

Honey looks back at Evie with a look of disbelief. It's so unlike Elias to let Honey have any semblance of freedom. "How'd you convince him to let me stay with you?"

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