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"you have to decide, me or her?" ______
For some weird reason, hanging out with Evie always has to include walking long distances. Honey's feet are screaming at her as the two of them walk around downtown, passing little boutiques and restaurants packed upon one another.
"We're almost there, I promise." Evie squeezes Honey's hand to reassure her. Even though they're holding hands, Honey lags behind the blonde, tiredness taking over her body.
Nico picked them up from the frat house, the loud music blasting from his car made them stand out on the crowded street.
Honey and Evie sat in the backseat, gossiping about nothing important as Nico ignored them, singing along to his music. He'd driven them into the heart of downtown Manhattan, leaving them with his card before driving away without saying goodbye.
Honey wishes he would've just driven them to where it is that Evie's taking her instead.
"Look, it's right there." Evie speeds up, dragging Honey along like a mother would to her child. Honey doesn't even know what Evie's talking about. What destination could be so great that they just spent twenty minutes walking to it?
When they stand in front of a brightly lit hair salon with the words 'Jessica's Place,' labeled on the door, Honey suddenly gets it.
This is Evie's personal care day.
The two of them enter the hair salon quietly, only the ding of a bell attracts the attention of the hairdressers and customers. Honey feels strange as the older women in the salon dressed up in their expensive clothing gaze at her and Evie, judging the two teenagers.
Evie makes her way past the front desk and the waiting area to the back of the salon, knocking on a closed door.
Honey remains quiet as they wait, taking in the place. It's nice, spacious. Much bigger than it looks on the outside. It's slightly too bright, with cream colored walls and harsh white lights.
There's a mural on one of the walls, right behind the chairs designated for waiting customers to sit on. It's colorful, a painting of a girl that looks slightly like Evie with blonde curls swaying every which way. That's about as much color that this place has.
The door opens after an eternity, revealing a girl who looks surprisingly young. Almost as though she's the same age as Evie.
She's dark skinned, with deep brown eyes, a wide nose, perfectly plump lips and a head full of coily hair that brushes against her shoulders.